Vbscript 如何将Global.asa与API一起使用

Vbscript 如何将Global.asa与API一起使用,vbscript,asp-classic,Vbscript,Asp Classic,我试图使用API返回网站访问者的纬度、经度、城市、州和邮政编码。我找到了一个我喜欢的- 我面临的挑战是,我的网站是用经典的ASP完成的,API的示例是用C、JAVA、Python等 我试图实现的是在我的global.asa中获取所需的值lat、lng、zip等,并将它们设置为会话变量。下面的示例适用于VB.net Imports System Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Class Program Public Const IP As St




Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO

Class Program
    Public Const IP As String = ""
    Public Const API_KEY As String = "at_6ZsRWjq..."
    Public Const API_URL As String = "https://geo.ipify.org/api/v1?"

    Private Shared Sub Main()
        Dim url As String = API_URL & $"apiKey={API_KEY}&ipAddress={IP}"
        Dim resultData As String = String.Empty
        Dim req As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
        Using response As HttpWebResponse = CType(req.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
            Using stream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
                Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(stream)
                    resultData = reader.ReadToEnd()
                End Using
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub
End Class

我喜欢做的是创建一个global.asp文件,我用它来设置各种应用程序设置,包括站点范围的类,并存储整个站点所需的重要函数和子例程。然后,我在asp站点的所有页面上都包含global.asp。在global.asp中,您可以设置一个子系统,该子系统调用ipify.org api,并将结果存储为会话变量,并借助于。然后,您可以在每次页面加载时调用sub,如果api在用户会话期间已被调用,则退出sub;如果是新会话,则进行新调用



    ' Set some useful application settings, constants, other site-wide classes etc...

    Server.ScriptTimeout = 20
    Session.Timeout = 720
    Response.Charset = "UTF-8"
    Response.LCID = 1033

<!--#include virtual = "/classes/jsonObject.class.asp" -->

    Sub ipify()

        ' Only call the ipify API once per session (but try 3 times)
        ' If session("ipify_called") is true or 3+ attempts have been  
        ' made to call the API then exit the sub

        if session("ipify_called") OR session("ipify_attempts") >= 3 then exit sub

        ' Assign a value of 0 to ipify_attempts if this is a new session

        if isEmpty(session("ipify_attempts")) then session("ipify_attempts") = 0

        Const api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
        Const api_url = "https://geo.ipify.org/api/v1"

        Dim rest : Set rest = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
        rest.open "GET", api_url, False
        rest.send "apiKey=" & api_key & "&ipAddress=" & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")

        if rest.status = 200 then

            Dim JSON : Set JSON = New JSONobject
            Dim oJSONoutput : Set oJSONoutput = JSON.Parse(rest.responseText)

                if isObject(oJSONoutput("location")) then

                    session("ipify_country") = oJSONoutput("location")("country")
                    session("ipify_region") = oJSONoutput("location")("region")
                    session("ipify_city") = oJSONoutput("location")("city")
                    session("ipify_lat") = oJSONoutput("location")("lat")
                    session("ipify_lng") = oJSONoutput("location")("lng")
                    session("ipify_postalCode") = oJSONoutput("location")("postalCode")
                    session("ipify_timezone") = oJSONoutput("location")("timezone")

                    ' To prevent the api from being called again during this session

                    session("ipify_called") = true


                    ' oJSONoutput("location") should be an object, but it isn't.
                    ' The rest.responseText is probably invalid

                    session("ipify_attempts") = session("ipify_attempts") + 1

                end if

            Set oJSONoutput = nothing
            Set JSON = nothing


            ' Unexpected status code, probably a good idea to log the rest.responseText

            session("ipify_attempts") = session("ipify_attempts") + 1

        end if

        set rest = nothing

    End Sub

    ' Call the ipify sub on each page load.

    Call ipify()


