
用于居中文本的Vim插件,vim,Vim,不久前,我偶然发现了一个vim插件,它将您正在编辑的文本置于中心位置。 它被发布在HN上,并在HN时事通讯中出现,但我不记得它的名字 有人能识别插件吗?你不需要插件。前司令部就是这么做的, 以指定宽度为中心,默认为您的选项 或80,如果后者设置为零 ====================================================================== When that your flock, assembled by the bell, Encircled

不久前,我偶然发现了一个vim插件,它将您正在编辑的文本置于中心位置。 它被发布在HN上,并在HN时事通讯中出现,但我不记得它的名字


你不需要插件。前司令部就是这么做的, 以指定宽度为中心,默认为您的选项 或80,如果后者设置为零

====================================================================== When that your flock, assembled by the bell, Encircled you to hear with reverence Your exposition on the holy text Than now to see you here an iron man, Cheering a rout of rebels with your drum, Turning the word to sword and life to death. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== 当你的羊群在钟声旁聚集, 带着崇敬环绕着你聆听 你对圣经的论述 现在在这里看到你是个铁人, 用你的鼓为叛军的溃败欢呼, 把世界变成剑,把生命变成死亡。 ======================================================================

:%ce 70
====================================================================== When that your flock, assembled by the bell, Encircled you to hear with reverence Your exposition on the holy text Than now to see you here an iron man, Cheering a rout of rebels with your drum, Turning the word to sword and life to death. ======================================================================