Woocommerce 如何在Django Oscar中按字母顺序呈现产品类别及其子类别列表?

Woocommerce 如何在Django Oscar中按字母顺序呈现产品类别及其子类别列表?,woocommerce,django-oscar,Woocommerce,Django Oscar,我可以在模板中呈现产品类别列表。但分类列表并没有按字母顺序显示。如何按字母顺序呈现它们 编辑 我使用以下代码来呈现类别和子类别 <ul class="cd-accordion-menu animated"> {% for tree_category, info in tree_categories %} <li {% if info.has_children %}class="has-children"




<ul class="cd-accordion-menu animated">
                {% for tree_category, info in tree_categories %}
                    <li {% if info.has_children %}class="has-children"
                        {% else %}{% endif %}>

                        {% if info.has_children %}

                            <input type="checkbox" name="{{ tree_category.name|lower }}"
                                   id="{{ tree_category.name|lower }}">
                            <label for="{{ tree_category.name|lower }}">{{ tree_category.name|safe }}
                        {% else %}
                            <a href="{{ tree_category.get_absolute_url }}">{{ tree_category.name|safe }}</a>
                        {% endif %}
                        {% if info.has_children %}</label>{% endif %}

                        {% if info.has_children %}
                        {% endif %}

                        {% for n in info.num_to_close %}
                        {% endfor %}
                {% endfor %}

我也有同样的要求,最终定制了category_树模板标签。我复制了category_tree see的原始实现,并为排序添加了排序步骤。与原始类别树模板标记相比,只有一行更改

from django import template

from oscar.core.loading import get_model

register = template.Library()
Category = get_model('catalogue', 'category')

def get_annotated_list(depth=None, parent=None):
    Gets an annotated list from a tree branch.
    Borrows heavily from treebeard's get_annotated_list
    # 'depth' is the backwards-compatible name for the template tag,
    # 'max_depth' is the better variable name.

    max_depth = depth

    annotated_categories = []

    start_depth, prev_depth = (None, None)
    if parent:
        categories = parent.get_descendants()
        if max_depth is not None:
            max_depth += parent.get_depth()
        categories = Category.get_tree()

    info = {}
    for node in sorted(categories, key=lambda x: x.name):

        node_depth = node.get_depth()
        if start_depth is None:
            start_depth = node_depth
        if max_depth is not None and node_depth > max_depth:

        # Update previous node's info
        info['has_children'] = prev_depth is None or node_depth > prev_depth
        if prev_depth is not None and node_depth < prev_depth:
            info['num_to_close'] = list(range(0, prev_depth - node_depth))

        info = {'num_to_close': [],
                'level': node_depth - start_depth}
        annotated_categories.append((node, info,))
        prev_depth = node_depth

    if prev_depth is not None:
        # close last leaf
        info['num_to_close'] = list(range(0, prev_depth - start_depth))
        info['has_children'] = prev_depth > prev_depth

    return annotated_categories


<ul class="cd-accordion-menu animated">
  {% for tree_category, info in tree_categories %}
      <li {% if info.has_children %}class="has-children"
          {% else %}{% endif %}>

          {% if info.has_children %}
              <input type="checkbox" name="{{ tree_category.name|lower }}" id="{{ tree_category.name|lower }}">
              <label for="{{ tree_category.name|lower }}">{{ tree_category.name|safe }}</label>
          {% else %}
              <a href="{{ tree_category.get_absolute_url }}">{{ tree_category.name|safe }}</a>
          {% endif %}

          {% if info.has_children %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

          {% for n in info.num_to_close %}
          {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
