
在Xampp上升级PHP7后,Apache将不会启动,xampp,php-7,Xampp,Php 7,我一直在尝试在xampp上升级到PHP7,但当我尝试重新启动Apache时,我只得到: 0:38:00 [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app... 0:38:01 [Apache] Status change detected: running 0:38:01 [Apache] Status change detected: stopped 0:38:01 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexp


0:38:00  [Apache]   Attempting to start Apache app...
0:38:01  [Apache]   Status change detected: running
0:38:01  [Apache]   Status change detected: stopped
0:38:01  [Apache]   Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
0:38:01  [Apache]   This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 
0:38:01  [Apache]   improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
0:38:01  [Apache]   Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
0:38:01  [Apache]   the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
0:38:01  [Apache]   If you need more help, copy and post this
0:38:01  [Apache]   entire log window on the forums
我已经更新了: httpd-xampp.conf具有正确的路径和命名。但是没有运气



[Tue Mar 21 02:48:54.551995 2017][core:notice][pid 10852:tid 280]AH00094:命令行:“c:\\xampp\\apache\\bin\\httpd.exe-d c:/xampp/apache”
[2017年3月21日星期二02:48:54.987020][mpm_winnt:notice][pid 10852:tid 280]AH00418:父进程:已创建子进程10256
[Tue Mar 21 02:48:55.611056 2017][ssl:warn][pid 10256:tid 292]AH01909:www.example.com:443:0服务器证书不包含与服务器名称匹配的ID
[Tue Mar 21 02:48:55.927074 2017][ssl:warn][pid 10256:tid 292]AH01909:www.example.com:443:0服务器证书不包含与服务器名称匹配的ID

[Tue Mar 21 02:48:56.062081 2017][mpm_winnt:notice][pid 10256:tid 292]AH00354:Child:启动150个工作线程。
我根据以下指南将xampp php从5.4升级到7:

在Apache重新启动之后,我得到了相同的错误。 我编辑了httpd-xampp.conf:更改了php7相关的所有php5内容。 然后我尝试再次启动apache

Apache已经启动。 希望这有帮助


查看apache日志,升级后,您确定已禁用php5 apache模块并启用php7 apache模块吗?@hassan在上面添加了apache日志。还是没有找到解决办法。