3d 从一个特定视点的一个网格生成一个点云

3d 从一个特定视点的一个网格生成一个点云,3d,mesh,point-cloud-library,point-clouds,3d,Mesh,Point Cloud Library,Point Clouds,从一个特定的角度来看,我希望从一个网格中获得相应的点云。 PCLH MESH2PCD和 PCLY-MESHYLASH < /COD>只将一个网格转换为一个点云,不考虑视点问题。从一个特定的角度来看,网格的某些端口将不可见。 也许pcl库中的某些函数将执行这样的工作。然而,我对PCL中的每一个模型都不是很熟悉,并且花了很多时间来实现这样的功能。不幸的是,我没有找到它。 我也在网上搜索。谢谢你的帮助 查看PCL的模块 引自: sim\u viewer可能是您想要试用的工具。谢谢。我发现virtau

从一个特定的角度来看,我希望从一个网格中获得相应的点云。 <代码> PCLH MESH2PCD和 PCLY-MESHYLASH < /COD>只将一个网格转换为一个点云,不考虑视点问题。从一个特定的角度来看,网格的某些端口将不可见。



sim\u viewer

Test and Example Programs for pcl_simulation
mfallon and hordurj march 2012

1. sim_viewer.cpp
purpose: simulate in viewer which is almost the same as pcl_viewer
status : use the mouse to drive around, and 'v' to capture a cloud. reads vtk and obj. 
         visualizes vtk and makes pcd of obj. conflict between RL and VTK means doesn't visualize/simulate properly
was    : range_pcd_viewer.cpp

2. sim_terminal_demo.cpp
purpose: simple app to demo speed and api to pcl_simulation
status : reads obj, make a series of 640x480 simulated point clouds and exits
depndcy: OpenCV for writing png images

3. sim_test_performance.cpp
purpose: GLUT/GLEW viewer used by Hordur to test GLSL optimizations. Creates two different viewing planes
status : reads obj, creates window, use keyboard to drive around environment
was    : range_performance_test.cpp

4. sim_test_simple
purpose: similar code to #3 but has a 2x2 grid each containing 640x480 windows, but operates as #1. press 'v' to capture a cloud to file (only works properly if 2x2 canged to 1x1)
status : reads obj, creates window, use keyboard to drive around environment
was    : range_test_v2.cpp