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Algorithm 如何在ARM组装中实现除法算法?_Algorithm_Assembly_Arm_Division - Fatal编程技术网

Algorithm 如何在ARM组装中实现除法算法?

Algorithm 如何在ARM组装中实现除法算法?,algorithm,assembly,arm,division,Algorithm,Assembly,Arm,Division,我试图在ARM assembly中实现以下算法,但当我在ARMSim 1.9.1中运行代码时,它会完全不变地打印出商和余数(本例中为0和5)。有人能告诉我我做错了什么吗?我想这可能就是我试图设置寄存器最右边位的地方 Given: Two positive integers: a Divisor X, and a Dividend Y Use three General Purpose Registers (R, Q, X) where R stores the Remainder, Q stor

我试图在ARM assembly中实现以下算法,但当我在ARMSim 1.9.1中运行代码时,它会完全不变地打印出商和余数(本例中为0和5)。有人能告诉我我做错了什么吗?我想这可能就是我试图设置寄存器最右边位的地方

Given: Two positive integers: a Divisor X, and a Dividend Y
Use three General Purpose Registers (R, Q, X)
where R stores the Remainder, Q stores the Quotient, and X stores the Divisor. 
    1. Copy Y into the Remainder register (R)
       Register Q will be initialized as 0 
    2. update: R =  R - X
    3. If R >= 0 then
        Shift the Quotient Register (Q) to the left (1 bit)
        and set the new rightmost bit to 1
        Restore the original value by of R:  R = R + X
            Also, Shift the Quotient Register (Q) to the left (1 bit)
            and set the new least significant bit to 0
    4. Shift the Divisor Register (X) to the right (1 bit)
    5. Repeat 31 more times

.equ X, 12      @ the divisor - change to whatever number you wish
.equ Y, 5       @ the dividend - change to whatever number you wish

.global main

        LDR R6, =Y              @ R6 = R = Y
        MOV R7, #0              @ R7 = Q = 0
        MOV R8, #0              @ R8 = count = 0
        LDR R9, =X              @ R9 = X
loop:   SUB R6, R6, R9          @ R -= X
        CMP R6, #0              @ if R >= 0
        BGE _if                 @ goto _if
        CMP R6, #0              @ else if R < 0
        BLT  _else              @ else goto _else
        ADD R8, R8, #01         @ count++
        MOV R9, R9, LSR #01     @ shift X right 1 bit
        CMP R8, #32             @ if count <= 32
        BLE loop                @ continue looping

        MOV R7, R7, LSL #01     @ shift Q left 1 bit
        ORR R7, R7, #01         @ set rightmost bit to 1

        ADD R6, R6, R9          @ R += X
        MOV R7, R7, LSL #01     @ shift Q left 1 bit
        AND R7, R7, #2147483646 @ set rightmost bit to 0

        MOV R1, R7      @ R1 = Q
        SWI 0x6B        @ cout << R1
        MOV R1, R6      @ R1 = R
        SWI 0x6B        @ cout << R1
        SWI 0x11        @ exit
.eq X,12@除数-更改为您想要的任何数字
.equ Y,5@股息-更改为您希望的任何数字
LDR R6,=Y@R6=R=Y
MOV R7,#0@R7=Q=0
MOV R8,#0@R8=count=0
LDR R9,=X@R9=X
CMP R6,如果R>=0,则为0
CMP R6,如果R<0,则为#0@else
BLT_else@else goto_else
MOV R9,R9,LSR#01@移位X右1位

CMP R8,#32@if count 5除以12应该得到
bic r7,r7,#1
——是否执行第一个分支不会影响标志的后续状态。不管怎样,考虑一下在你把这些分支中的一个转移到<代码>之后,如果或 >代码< >代码> -接下来执行什么?哇,我是个白痴。我混淆了除数和股息。非常感谢。我应该在if/else分支后使用BX LR返回调用函数吗?5除以12应该得到
bic r7,r7,#1
>代码< >代码> -接下来执行什么?哇,我是个白痴。我混淆了除数和股息。非常感谢。我应该在if/else分支之后使用BX-LR返回调用函数吗?