Android ndk 如何在Google Play Store中使用本机库订购多个APK?

Android ndk 如何在Google Play Store中使用本机库订购多个APK?,android-ndk,google-play,Android Ndk,Google Play,我的应用程序使用4个本机库(armeabi、armeabi-v7a、x86、mips)。我在4个单独的APK中上传到Google Play商店,版本代码顺序如下: armeabi-v7a 104 Armiabi 103 x86 102 mips 101 在Google Play商店中,我收到了以下警告信息: Some devices with Native platforms containing any of [x86] are eligible to receive version 10

我的应用程序使用4个本机库(armeabi、armeabi-v7a、x86、mips)。我在4个单独的APK中上传到Google Play商店,版本代码顺序如下:

  • armeabi-v7a 104
  • Armiabi 103
  • x86 102
  • mips 101
在Google Play商店中,我收到了以下警告信息:

Some devices with Native platforms containing any of [x86] are eligible to receive version 102, which is better optimized for the device's Native Platform, but actually receive version 104 because it has a higher version code and the device supports Native platforms containing any of [armeabi-v7a] either directly (e.g. ARMv7 devices support a superset of ARMv5TE instructions) or indirectly (e.g. some x86 devices support ARMv7 or ARMv5TE via native code translation). This would occur when 
API levels in range 7+ and 
Screen layouts containing any of [small, normal, large, xlarge] and 
Features containing all of [android.hardware.TOUCHSCREEN].
Some devices with Native platforms containing any of [x86] are eligible to receive version 102, which is better optimized for the device's Native Platform, but actually receive version 103 because it has a higher version code and the device supports Native platforms containing any of [armeabi] either directly (e.g. ARMv7 devices support a superset of ARMv5TE instructions) or indirectly (e.g. some x86 devices support ARMv7 or ARMv5TE via native code translation). This would occur when 
API levels in range 7+ and 
Screen layouts containing any of [small, normal, large, xlarge] and 
Features containing all of [android.hardware.TOUCHSCREEN].
Some devices are eligible to run multiple APKs. In such a scenario, the device will receive the APK with the higher version code.



  • Armiabi 101
  • armeabi-v7a 102
  • mips 103
  • x86 104



这些版本号可以在Android gradle构建中自动生成

project.ext.versionCodes = ['armeabi': 1, 'armeabi-v7a': 2, 'arm64-v8a': 3, 'mips': 5, 'mips64': 6, 'x86': 8, 'x86_64': 9]

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.outputs.each { output ->
            output.versionCodeOverride =
          , 0) * 10000000 + android.defaultConfig.versionCode


