Android 自定义滚动视图出错

Android 自定义滚动视图出错,android,scrollview,horizontalscrollview,Android,Scrollview,Horizontalscrollview,我正在为我的水平选择屏幕创建一个“快照到”水平滚动视图。我有一些代码,我不明白为什么它不工作(ScrollView不捕捉,它的行为与正常的ScrollView一样)。滚动视图中可能有一些底层方法需要重写,但我似乎找不到它。以下是我目前的代码: public class SnapToScrollView extends HorizontalScrollView implements OnTouchListener { //Marks the point where touch start


public class SnapToScrollView extends HorizontalScrollView implements
    OnTouchListener {

//Marks the point where touch starts
float pointDown;
//Marks the position of the ScrollView when touch first occurs, used to snap
float startX;

public SnapToScrollView(Context context) {

public SnapToScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

public SnapToScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyle);

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
    //If motion is stopped, then snap to nearest
    if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
        //determine if we have moved far enough from original touch
        if (Math.abs(pointDown - event.getX()) > 640) {
            //Move backwards or forwards
            int c = (int) ((pointDown - event.getX()) / Math.abs(pointDown
                    - event.getX()));
            smoothScrollTo((int) (startX + c * 640), 0);
        } //else scroll to where we started
        else {
            smoothScrollTo((int) startX, 0);
    } // when first touch happens, record coordinates
    else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
        startX = getScrollX();
        pointDown = event.getX();
    } // If it is not first or last touch, then scroll
    else {
        smoothScrollTo((int) (startX + event.getX()), 0);
    return true;

它没有按预期的那样捕捉,它的行为就像一个普通的滚动视图。我也有同样的问题。smoothScrollTo()虽然scrollTo()可以工作,但它什么都不做。我只是把这段代码放到了我的level select屏幕上,我从来没有通过扩展视图编辑来让它工作过:想想看,我甚至认为scrollTo都不起作用。您是否已将SmoothScrolling设置为启用状态?