Android 忽略匿名内部类的innerclases

Android 忽略匿名内部类的innerclases,android,xml,parsing,android-layout,Android,Xml,Parsing,Android Layout,当我尝试运行项目时,项目中出现错误。在运行项目之前,它不会显示任何错误。只有在尝试运行项目之后,它才会在项目文件夹上显示红色标记。但在以下文件上不会显示红色标记。 它还显示了这样一个警告 Dx警告:忽略匿名内部类的内部类属性 (org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase$1)没有附带 关联的EnclosingMethod属性。这个类可能是由一个 未以现代.class文件格式为目标的编译器。推荐的 解决方案是使用最新的编译器从源代码重新编译该类 并且不

当我尝试运行项目时,项目中出现错误。在运行项目之前,它不会显示任何错误。只有在尝试运行项目之后,它才会在项目文件夹上显示红色标记。但在以下文件上不会显示红色标记。 它还显示了这样一个警告

Dx警告:忽略匿名内部类的内部类属性 (org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase$1)没有附带 关联的EnclosingMethod属性。这个类可能是由一个 未以现代.class文件格式为目标的编译器。推荐的 解决方案是使用最新的编译器从源代码重新编译该类 并且不指定任何“-target”类型选项。忽视的后果 此警告表示此类上的反射操作将不正确 指示它不是内部类


[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image         C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\drawable\pic.png
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image    C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\drawable-ldpi\pic.png
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image 
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image  C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\drawable\splash.png
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image  C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\drawable-hdpi\splash.png
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image  C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\drawable-ldpi\splash.png
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] libpng error: Not a PNG file
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] ERROR: Failure processing PNG image  C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\drawable-mdpi\splash.png
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\home.xml:2:     error: 
Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/bgwithstrip').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\login.xml:2:    error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/bg').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\login.xml:59: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/login_btn').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\login.xml:76:     error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/register_btn01').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\login.xml:86: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/roammeologo').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\post_events.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/bgwithstrip').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\post_events.xml:239: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/butn_bg').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\splash.xml:7: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable/splash').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\userregistration.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/bg').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\userregistration.xml:8: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/butn_bg').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\userregistration.xml:36: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/butn_bg').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\userregistration.xml:69: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/butn_bg').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\userregistration.xml:109: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/register_btn01').
[2011-12-09 10:59:27 - RoamMeo] C:\eclipseworkspace\RoamMeo\res\layout\userregistration.xml:119: error: Erro
