Android 猴子让我的应用程序喵喵叫

Android 猴子让我的应用程序喵喵叫,android,package,monkey,Android,Package,Monkey,我在我的应用程序上运行了“锻炼猴子”,出于某种奇怪的原因,我的应用程序发出喵喵声!我的项目中根本没有声音文件,所以我有点困惑为什么会播放“喵”的声音。 有什么解释吗 也没有其他项目/文件在我用于此项目的包下运行 以下是终端的状态: :Monkey: seed=0 count=1000 :AllowPackage: around.lowell :IncludeCategory: android.intent.category.LAUNCHER :IncludeCategory: androi

我在我的应用程序上运行了“锻炼猴子”,出于某种奇怪的原因,我的应用程序发出喵喵声!我的项目中根本没有声音文件,所以我有点困惑为什么会播放“喵”的声音。 有什么解释吗



:Monkey: seed=0 count=1000

:AllowPackage: around.lowell

:IncludeCategory: android.intent.category.LAUNCHER

:IncludeCategory: android.intent.category.MONKEY

// Event percentages:

//   0: 15.0%

//   1: 10.0%

//   2: 15.0%

//   3: 25.0%

//   4: 15.0%

//   5: 2.0%

//   6: 2.0%

//   7: 1.0%

//   8: 15.0%

:Switch: #Intent;action=android.intent.action.MAIN;category=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER;launchFlags=0x10000000;component=around.lowell/.Main;end

    // Allowing start of Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=around.lowell/.Main } in package around.lowell

:Sending Pointer ACTION_MOVE x=-4.0 y=2.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_UP x=0.0 y=0.0

    // Allowing start of Intent { cmp=around.lowell/.MainSelect } in package around.lowell

    // Allowing start of Intent { cmp=around.lowell/.EmergencyContactList } in package around.lowell

:Sending Pointer ACTION_DOWN x=207.0 y=282.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_UP x=189.0 y=289.0

    // Allowing start of Intent { cmp=around.lowell/.FireDepartment } in package around.lowell

:Sending Pointer ACTION_DOWN x=95.0 y=259.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_UP x=95.0 y=259.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_DOWN x=295.0 y=223.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_UP x=290.0 y=213.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_MOVE x=-5.0 y=3.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_MOVE x=0.0 y=-5.0

    // Rejecting start of Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] } in package

:Sending Pointer ACTION_DOWN x=74.0 y=201.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_UP x=74.0 y=201.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_MOVE x=3.0 y=-2.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_UP x=0.0 y=0.0

    // Rejecting start of Intent { act=android.intent.action.DIAL } in package

:Sending Pointer ACTION_MOVE x=-4.0 y=2.0

    //[calendar_time:2011-08-16 11:00:43.937  system_uptime:589497185]

    // Sending event #100

:Sending Pointer ACTION_UP x=14.0 y=35.0

:Sending Pointer ACTION_DOWN x=129.0 y=13.0

Events injected: 1000

:Dropped: keys=0 pointers=15 trackballs=0 flips=0

 Network stats: elapsed time=36844ms (0ms mobile, 36844ms wifi, 0ms not connected)
// Monkey finished


