Android 如何在使用蓝牙从应用程序内部发送apk文件之前删除缓存文件

Android 如何在使用蓝牙从应用程序内部发送apk文件之前删除缓存文件,android,Android,我正在使用下面的代码在我的应用程序中发送一个.apk文件,但问题是所有数据库和缓存文件都会被发送。我想只发送apk文件而不发送缓存文件 // Get current ApplicationInfo to find .apk path ApplicationInfo app = getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo(); String filePath = app.sourceDir; Intent intent = new Intent(Int


 // Get current ApplicationInfo to find .apk path
ApplicationInfo app = getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo();
String filePath = app.sourceDir;

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);

// MIME of .apk is "application/".
// but Bluetooth does not accept this. Let's use "*/*" instead.

// Only use Bluetooth to send .apk

// Append file and send Intent
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(new File(filePath)));
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Share app"));