Android LiveData在没有观察者的情况下更新数据

Android LiveData在没有观察者的情况下更新数据,android,kotlin,android-room,android-livedata,Android,Kotlin,Android Room,Android Livedata,我正在编写一个培训预算应用程序,它使用LiveData、数据绑定、Room、MVVM和CLEAN 现在我面临着一个奇怪的问题。当前(应用程序全新启动)我的应用程序看起来像一个带有浮动操作按钮的空屏幕 单击浮动操作按钮将创建新的MonthBalanceDatabase数据类,但前提是数据库中已经并没有当前月份 @Entity(tableName = "month_balance_overview") data class MonthBalanceDatabase( @Pr




@Entity(tableName = "month_balance_overview")

data class MonthBalanceDatabase(

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)

var id: Int = 0,

var year: String, //ex 2020

var month: String, //ex SEPTEMBER

var income: Long = 0,

var consumption: Long = 0,

var balance: Long = 0



//this is part of my viewModel

private val _currentMonth: LiveData = budgetRepository.currentMonth

val currentMonth: LiveData

    get() = _currentMonth


 * Method called via dataBinding on floating button click


fun addNewMonthIfPossible() {

    if (currentMonth.value == null) {

        scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {

            //creating current month with year == 2020 and month == SEPTEMBER

            //and its working good

            budgetRepository.createCurrentMonth(getCurrentYear(), getCurrentMonth())





//this is part of my viewModel

private val _currentMonth: LiveData = budgetRepository.currentMonth

val currentMonth: LiveData

    get() = _currentMonth


 * Method called via dataBinding on floating button click


fun addNewMonthIfPossible() {

    if (currentMonth.value == null) {

        scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {

            //creating current month with year == 2020 and month == SEPTEMBER

            //and its working good

            budgetRepository.createCurrentMonth(getCurrentYear(), getCurrentMonth())



class MonthOverviewFragment : Fragment() {

lateinit var viewModel: MonthViewModel

lateinit var viewModelFactory: MonthViewModelFactory

override fun onCreateView(

    inflater: LayoutInflater,

    container: ViewGroup?,

    savedInstanceState: Bundle?

): View? {

    val binding: MonthOverviewFragmentBinding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(


        R.layout.month_overview_fragment, container, false


    val application = requireNotNull(this.activity).application

    val dataSource = BudgetDatabase.getInstance(application)

    viewModelFactory = MonthViewModelFactory(dataSource, application)

    viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, viewModelFactory).get(

    binding.monthViewModel = viewModel

    binding.lifecycleOwner = viewLifecycleOwner

    val adapter = MonthsAdapter()

    binding.monthList.adapter = adapter

    viewModel.existingMonths.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {

        it?.let {




    //ive noticed that if this line is commented my LiveData will never update

    // but i don't need to observe this variable

    //viewModel.currentMonth.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {})

    return binding.root

