Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/wpf/14.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Ansible 我可以更新主机清单并在同一剧本中使用新主机吗?_Ansible - Fatal编程技术网

Ansible 我可以更新主机清单并在同一剧本中使用新主机吗?

Ansible 我可以更新主机清单并在同一剧本中使用新主机吗?,ansible,Ansible,我通过playbook在主机清单文件中添加了几个主机。现在我在同一个剧本中使用这些新添加的主机。但这些新添加的主机似乎不能在同一次运行中被同一个剧本读取,因为我得到了- skipping: no hosts matched 当我单独运行它时,即通过一个剧本更新主机文件,并通过另一个剧本使用其中更新的主机,它工作正常。不完全清楚您在做什么-但从我收集的信息来看,您在剧本中使用的是添加主机模块 似乎合乎逻辑的是,您不能将相同的播放限制在这些主机上,因为它们还不存在。。。所以这永远不会奏效: - n


skipping: no hosts matched




- name: Play - add a host
  hosts: new_host

    - name: add new host
      add_host: name=new_host

最近我想用ansible 1.8.4做类似的事情。我发现
add\u host


# test.yml
# The name of the active CFN stack is provided on the command line,
# or is set in the environment variable AWS_STACK_NAME.
# Any host in the active CFN stack can tell us what we need to know.
# In real life the selection is random.
# For a simpler demo, just use the first one.
- hosts:
    tag_aws_cloudformation_stack-name_{{ stack
    |default(lookup('env','AWS_STACK_NAME')) }}[0]
  gather_facts: no
    # Get some facts about the instance.
    - action: ec2_facts
    # In real life we might have more facts from various sources.
    - set_fact: fubar='baz'
    # This could be any hostname.
    - set_fact: hostname_next='localhost'

    # It's too late for variables set in this play to affect host matching
    # in the next play, but we can add a new host to temporary inventory.
    # Use a well-known group name, so we can set the hosts for the next play.
    # It shouldn't matter if another playbook uses the same name,
    # because this entry is exclusive to the running playbook.
    - name: add new hostname to temporary inventory
      connection: local
      add_host: group=temp_inventory name='{{ hostname_next }}'

# Now proceed with the real work on the designated host.
- hosts: temp_inventory
  gather_facts: no

    # The host has changed, so the facts from play #1 are out of scope.
    # We can still get to them through hostvars, but it isn't easy.
    # In real life we don't know which host ran play #1,
    # so we have to check all of them.
    - set_fact:
        stack='{{ stack|default(lookup("env","AWS_STACK_NAME")) }}'
    - set_fact:
        group_name='{{ "tag_aws_cloudformation_stack-name_" + stack }}'
    - set_fact:
        fubar='{% for h in groups[group_name] %} {{
        hostvars[h]["fubar"]|default("") }} {% endfor %}'
    - set_fact:
        instance_id='{% for h in groups[group_name] %} {{
        hostvars[h]["ansible_ec2_instance_id"]|default("") }} {% endfor %}'
    # Trim extra leading and trailing whitespace.
    - set_fact: fubar='{{ fubar|replace(" ", "") }}'
    - set_fact: instance_id='{{ instance_id|replace(" ", "") }}'

    # Now we can use the variables instance_id and fubar.
    - debug: var='{{ fubar }}'
    - debug: var='{{ instance_id }}'

# end





是否有办法将“临时库存”提取到变量中?当我将其定义为变量时,主机匹配失败,跳过:没有匹配的主机。当我把它硬编码时,一切正常。我不确定这是出于设计还是一个bug。您可以使用测试用例创建一个新问题,并查看是否有其他人可以回答。在这里发布一个链接,我一定会看一看。仅供参考,这些天我使用terraform进行配置,ansible进行配置。因此,不再需要动态修改ansible库存。相反,我要么使用ec2.py清单脚本,要么从cloudinit userdata脚本运行ansible pull。
# test.yml
# The name of the active CFN stack is provided on the command line,
# or is set in the environment variable AWS_STACK_NAME.
# Any host in the active CFN stack can tell us what we need to know.
# In real life the selection is random.
# For a simpler demo, just use the first one.
- hosts:
    tag_aws_cloudformation_stack-name_{{ stack
    |default(lookup('env','AWS_STACK_NAME')) }}[0]
  gather_facts: no
    # Get some facts about the instance.
    - action: ec2_facts
    # In real life we might have more facts from various sources.
    - set_fact: fubar='baz'
    # This could be any hostname.
    - set_fact: hostname_next='localhost'

    # It's too late for variables set in this play to affect host matching
    # in the next play, but we can add a new host to temporary inventory.
    # Use a well-known group name, so we can set the hosts for the next play.
    # It shouldn't matter if another playbook uses the same name,
    # because this entry is exclusive to the running playbook.
    - name: add new hostname to temporary inventory
      connection: local
      add_host: group=temp_inventory name='{{ hostname_next }}'

# Now proceed with the real work on the designated host.
- hosts: temp_inventory
  gather_facts: no

    # The host has changed, so the facts from play #1 are out of scope.
    # We can still get to them through hostvars, but it isn't easy.
    # In real life we don't know which host ran play #1,
    # so we have to check all of them.
    - set_fact:
        stack='{{ stack|default(lookup("env","AWS_STACK_NAME")) }}'
    - set_fact:
        group_name='{{ "tag_aws_cloudformation_stack-name_" + stack }}'
    - set_fact:
        fubar='{% for h in groups[group_name] %} {{
        hostvars[h]["fubar"]|default("") }} {% endfor %}'
    - set_fact:
        instance_id='{% for h in groups[group_name] %} {{
        hostvars[h]["ansible_ec2_instance_id"]|default("") }} {% endfor %}'
    # Trim extra leading and trailing whitespace.
    - set_fact: fubar='{{ fubar|replace(" ", "") }}'
    - set_fact: instance_id='{{ instance_id|replace(" ", "") }}'

    # Now we can use the variables instance_id and fubar.
    - debug: var='{{ fubar }}'
    - debug: var='{{ instance_id }}'

# end