Apache spark 生成Spark数据帧的不相交集

Apache spark 生成Spark数据帧的不相交集,apache-spark,apache-spark-sql,Apache Spark,Apache Spark Sql,每当多个列中的一列具有相等的值时,我想将Spark数据帧分组。 例如,对于以下df: val df = Seq( ("a1", "b1", "c1"), ("a1", "b2", "c2"), ("a3", "b2", "c3"), ("a4", "b4

每当多个列中的一列具有相等的值时,我想将Spark数据帧分组。 例如,对于以下df:

  val df = Seq(
    ("a1", "b1", "c1"),
    ("a1", "b2", "c2"),
    ("a3", "b2", "c3"),
    ("a4", "b4", "c3"),
    ("a5", "b5", "c5")
  ).toDF("a", "b", "c")
union find

val grouped = Seq(
  ("a1", "b1", "c1", "1"),
  ("a1", "b2", "c2", "1"),
  ("a3", "b2", "c3", "1"),
  ("a4", "b4", "c3", "1"),
  ("a5", "b5", "c5", "2")
).toDF("a", "b", "c", "group")




|          id|sum|  a|  b|  c|  d|
|146028888064|4.0| a6| b6| c6|d27|
|171798691840|4.0| a9|b88|c54|d71|
|  a|  b|  c|  d|  elements_array|         main_array|flag|
| a6| b6| c6|d27|[b2, c3, a1, d7]|  [a6, b6, c6, d27]|   0|
| a9|b88|c54|d71|[b2, c3, a1, d7]|[a9, b88, c54, d71]|   0|

如果您需要一个组列,那么您可以将final join更改为right,并根据总和值将一个列作为组:



|          id|sum|  a|  b|  c|  d|
|146028888064|4.0| a6| b6| c6|d27|
|171798691840|4.0| a9|b88|c54|d71|
|  a|  b|  c|  d|  elements_array|         main_array|flag|
| a6| b6| c6|d27|[b2, c3, a1, d7]|  [a6, b6, c6, d27]|   0|
| a9|b88|c54|d71|[b2, c3, a1, d7]|[a9, b88, c54, d71]|   0|


我只想将其作为一个新答案添加,因为我不太确定cube over collect()的性能。但我觉得这比我以前的答案要好。试试这个

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
#Test data
tst = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('a1','b1','c1','d1'),('a1','b2','c2','d2'),('a3','b2','c3','d6'),('a4','b4','c3','d7'),('a5','b5','c5','d7'),('a6','b6','c6','d27'),('a9','b88','c54','d71')],schema=['a','b','c','d'])
#%% aggregate and cube the columns and count

tst_res1 = tst.cube('a','b','c','d').count()
# We need count of individual values in columns. so we count how many nulls are there in column
tst_nc = tst_res1.withColumn("null_count",sum([F.when(F.col(x).isNull(),1).otherwise(0) for x in tst_res1.columns]))
# Filter only with 3 null values since we have 4 columns and select values that occur more than once
tst_flt = tst_nc.filter((F.col('null_count')==len(tst.columns)-1)& (F.col('count')>1))
# coalesce to get the elements that occur more than once
tst_coala= tst_flt.withColumn("elements",F.coalesce(*tst.columns))
# collect the elements that occur more than once in an element. 
tst_array = (tst_coala.groupby(F.lit(1)).agg(F.collect_list('elements').alias('elements'))).collect()
#%% convert elements to string, can be skipped for numericals
elements = map(str,tst_array[0]['elements'])
#%% introduce the values that occur more than once as an array in main df
tst_cmp= tst.withColumn("elements_array",F.array(map(F.lit,[x for x in elements])))
# convert the elements into an array
tst_cmp = tst_cmp.withColumn("main_array",F.array(*tst.columns))
#%% find if any of the elements in the row occur more than once in the entire data
tst_result = tst_cmp.withColumn("flag", F.size(F.array_intersect(F.col('main_array'),F.col('elements_array'))))
#%% select the disjoint values
tst_final = tst_result.where('flag=0')

|          id|sum|  a|  b|  c|  d|
|146028888064|4.0| a6| b6| c6|d27|
|171798691840|4.0| a9|b88|c54|d71|
|  a|  b|  c|  d|  elements_array|         main_array|flag|
| a6| b6| c6|d27|[b2, c3, a1, d7]|  [a6, b6, c6, d27]|   0|
| a9|b88|c54|d71|[b2, c3, a1, d7]|[a9, b88, c54, d71]|   0|

我只是想添加这个作为一个新的答案,因为我不太确定cube over collect()的性能。但我觉得这比我以前的答案要好。试试这个

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
#Test data
tst = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('a1','b1','c1','d1'),('a1','b2','c2','d2'),('a3','b2','c3','d6'),('a4','b4','c3','d7'),('a5','b5','c5','d7'),('a6','b6','c6','d27'),('a9','b88','c54','d71')],schema=['a','b','c','d'])
#%% aggregate and cube the columns and count

tst_res1 = tst.cube('a','b','c','d').count()
# We need count of individual values in columns. so we count how many nulls are there in column
tst_nc = tst_res1.withColumn("null_count",sum([F.when(F.col(x).isNull(),1).otherwise(0) for x in tst_res1.columns]))
# Filter only with 3 null values since we have 4 columns and select values that occur more than once
tst_flt = tst_nc.filter((F.col('null_count')==len(tst.columns)-1)& (F.col('count')>1))
# coalesce to get the elements that occur more than once
tst_coala= tst_flt.withColumn("elements",F.coalesce(*tst.columns))
# collect the elements that occur more than once in an element. 
tst_array = (tst_coala.groupby(F.lit(1)).agg(F.collect_list('elements').alias('elements'))).collect()
#%% convert elements to string, can be skipped for numericals
elements = map(str,tst_array[0]['elements'])
#%% introduce the values that occur more than once as an array in main df
tst_cmp= tst.withColumn("elements_array",F.array(map(F.lit,[x for x in elements])))
# convert the elements into an array
tst_cmp = tst_cmp.withColumn("main_array",F.array(*tst.columns))
#%% find if any of the elements in the row occur more than once in the entire data
tst_result = tst_cmp.withColumn("flag", F.size(F.array_intersect(F.col('main_array'),F.col('elements_array'))))
#%% select the disjoint values
tst_final = tst_result.where('flag=0')

|          id|sum|  a|  b|  c|  d|
|146028888064|4.0| a6| b6| c6|d27|
|171798691840|4.0| a9|b88|c54|d71|
|  a|  b|  c|  d|  elements_array|         main_array|flag|
| a6| b6| c6|d27|[b2, c3, a1, d7]|  [a6, b6, c6, d27]|   0|
| a9|b88|c54|d71|[b2, c3, a1, d7]|[a9, b88, c54, d71]|   0|

对您的预期输出有点困惑。为什么将2指定给最后一行?你能解释一下这个逻辑吗?@Raghu确实如此。我更新了我的问题图,到时候会是……你有机会看看答案吗?很想知道你在想什么我还需要看看,谢谢!我已经使用Spark Graphx生成了联合查找数据结构。我可能会回到一个更特别的解决方案,但公平地说,结果看起来不错……对您的预期输出有点困惑。为什么将2指定给最后一行?你能解释一下这个逻辑吗?@Raghu确实如此。我更新了我的问题图,到时候会是……你有机会看看答案吗?很想知道你在想什么我还需要看看,谢谢!我已经使用Spark Graphx生成了联合查找数据结构。我可能会回到一个更特别的解决方案,但结果看起来不错,公平。。。