
Applescript未使用用户输入执行,applescript,Applescript,我有一个简单的Applescript,它输入电话号码和一条标准消息。当我硬编码一个电话号码时,脚本按预期运行。我尝试扩展它以接受用户输入,它现在提供了一个已完成的工作流,但消息没有被击键。 在Automator窗口中运行时,它可以按预期工作,但这是它唯一可以工作的地方 最终目标:能够在任何应用程序中运行此Applescript,并且消息被击键 set phoneNumber to "error" set contactName to (choose from list {"John", "Bob

我有一个简单的Applescript,它输入电话号码和一条标准消息。当我硬编码一个电话号码时,脚本按预期运行。我尝试扩展它以接受用户输入,它现在提供了一个已完成的工作流,但消息没有被击键。 在Automator窗口中运行时,它可以按预期工作,但这是它唯一可以工作的地方


set phoneNumber to "error"
set contactName to (choose from list {"John", "Bob", "Jill"} with prompt "Who do you want to contact?") as string

if contactName is "John" then
    set phoneNumber to "(310) 213-1234"
else if contactName is "Bob" then
    set phoneNumber to "(213) 123-1234"
else if contactName is "Jill" then
    set phoneNumber to "(424) 456-7890"
end if

set theMessage to "Hi, please contact " & contactName & " at: " & phoneNumber & return & "Thank you."
tell application "System Events"
    keystroke theMessage
end tell


on run {input, parameters}

    tell application "System Events"
        --  # Get the name of the App that has focus when this Service is triggered.
        set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
        delay 0.5 
    end tell

    tell current application
        activate -- # Set focus back to me so the list box is frontmost.
        set contactName to (choose from list {"John", "Bob", "Jill"} with prompt "Who do you want to contact?") as string
        if return is false then return --   # User clicked Cancel or pressed Esc, exit the run handler.
        if contactName is "John" then
            set phoneNumber to "(310) 213-1234"
        else if contactName is "Bob" then
            set phoneNumber to "(213) 123-1234"
        else if contactName is "Jill" then
            set phoneNumber to "(424) 456-7890"
        end if
        set the clipboard to "Hi, please contact " & contactName & " at: " & phoneNumber & linefeed & "Thank you."
    end tell

    --  # Set focus back to the App that was frontmost when the Service was triggered.
    tell application activeApp
        delay 1 --  # Make sure the App has come frontmost before pasting what's on the clipboard.
        tell application "System Events"
                -- # Insure the front window is indeed active.
                perform action "AXRaise" of window 1 of application process activeApp
                delay 0.2
            end try
                --  # Paste from the clipboard.
                keystroke "v" using command down
                delay 0.2
            end try
        end tell
    end tell

    --  # Clear the clipboard.
    tell current application to set the clipboard to ""

end run


on run {input, parameters}

    tell application "System Events"
        --  # Get the name of the App that has focus when this Service is triggered.
        set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
        delay 0.5 
    end tell

    tell current application
        activate -- # Set focus back to me so the list box is frontmost.
        set contactName to (choose from list {"John", "Bob", "Jill"} with prompt "Who do you want to contact?") as string
        if return is false then return --   # User clicked Cancel or pressed Esc, exit the run handler.
        if contactName is "John" then
            set phoneNumber to "(310) 213-1234"
        else if contactName is "Bob" then
            set phoneNumber to "(213) 123-1234"
        else if contactName is "Jill" then
            set phoneNumber to "(424) 456-7890"
        end if
        set the clipboard to "Hi, please contact " & contactName & " at: " & phoneNumber & linefeed & "Thank you."
    end tell

    --  # Set focus back to the App that was frontmost when the Service was triggered.
    tell application activeApp
        delay 1 --  # Make sure the App has come frontmost before pasting what's on the clipboard.
        tell application "System Events"
                -- # Insure the front window is indeed active.
                perform action "AXRaise" of window 1 of application process activeApp
                delay 0.2
            end try
                --  # Paste from the clipboard.
                keystroke "v" using command down
                delay 0.2
            end try
        end tell
    end tell

    --  # Clear the clipboard.
    tell current application to set the clipboard to ""

end run


set contactName…
set contactName…
as string
set contactName…
as string