
当导出为.app时,applescript屏幕截图自动程序错误,applescript,screenshot,handler,Applescript,Screenshot,Handler,因此,我正在制作一个应用程序,它可以在一段可定制的时间内定期拍摄屏幕截图。我很难理解它,因为当我在applescript编辑器中运行应用程序时,一切都很好——但是当我将它导出到.app时,事情有问题,如果用户单击应用程序图标,它将触发“重复”代码,如果用户尝试退出,它的行为会不稳定 我在其他帖子中读到,在空闲状态下可以工作,但我不知道如何在指定的时间后结束空闲处理程序 有人知道我的难题的解决办法吗?谢谢大家! on run set frequencyList to {2, 5, 10, 15}




on run

set frequencyList to {2, 5, 10, 15}

set durationList to {30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180}

choose from list durationList with prompt "how long (in minutes) would you like to snap screenshots for?"
set chosenDuration to result as number
set chosenDurationSeconds to chosenDuration * 60

choose from list frequencyList with prompt "how often (in minutes) would you like to snap a screenshot?"
set chosenFrequency to result as number
set chosenFrequencySeconds to chosenFrequency * 60

set repeatNumber to chosenDurationSeconds / chosenFrequencySeconds

display dialog "Great! I'll take " & repeatNumber & " photos over the span of " & chosenDuration & " minutes."
display dialog "Next, choose where you want these to end up."

set FolderPath to POSIX path of (choose folder) as string

display dialog "Sounds good! Just let me run in the background, and I'll snap away until the time is up."

delay 1

repeat repeatNumber times
    set theCurrentDate to current date
    set shellCommand to "/usr/sbin/screencapture \"" & FolderPath & "Screen Shot" & theCurrentDate & ".png\""
    do shell script shellCommand
    delay chosenFrequencySeconds
end repeat

结束运行(end run)

以下是如何使用“on idle”处理程序编写代码(我没有测试它)。记住将其保存为“保持打开应用程序”。请注意,您告诉空闲处理程序在处理程序的最后一行中以秒为单位重复。还请注意,我们在计算日期退出应用程序,而不是重复多次。实际上,您可以创建一个计数器来计数空闲处理程序的循环,但是date方法更容易。最后请注意,我们有全局变量。这使得在运行时处理程序中启动的变量可用于空闲时处理程序


global quitTime, chosenFrequencySeconds, FolderPath

on run
    set frequencyList to {2, 5, 10, 15}
    set durationList to {30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180}

    choose from list durationList with prompt "how long (in minutes) would you like to snap screenshots for?"
    set chosenDuration to result as number
    set quitTime to (current date) + chosenDuration * minutes

    choose from list frequencyList with prompt "how often (in minutes) would you like to snap a screenshot?"
    set chosenFrequency to result as number
    set chosenFrequencySeconds to chosenFrequency * 60

    display dialog "Great! I'll take " & repeatNumber & " photos over the span of " & chosenDuration & " minutes."
    display dialog "Next, choose where you want these to end up."

    set FolderPath to POSIX path of (choose folder) as string

    display dialog "Sounds good! Just let me run in the background, and I'll snap away until the time is up."

    delay 1
end run

on idle
    set theCurrentDate to current date
    set shellCommand to "/usr/sbin/screencapture " & quoted form of (FolderPath & "Screen Shot" & (theCurrentDate as text) & ".png")
    do shell script shellCommand

    if theCurrentDate is greater than or equal to quitTime then tell me to quit
    return chosenFrequencySeconds
end idle


  global quitTime, chosenFrequencySeconds, FolderPath

  on run
    set frequencyList to {2, 5, 10, 15}
    set durationList to {30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180}

    choose from list durationList with prompt "how long (in minutes) would you like to snap screenshots for?"
    set chosenDuration to result as number
    set quitTime to (current date) + chosenDuration * minutes

    choose from list frequencyList with prompt "how often (in minutes) would you like to snap a screenshot?"
    set chosenFrequency to result as number
    set chosenFrequencySeconds to chosenFrequency * 60

    display dialog "Great! I'll take " & chosenFrequency & " photos over the span of " & chosenDuration & " minutes."
    display dialog "Next, choose where you want these to end up."

    set FolderPath to POSIX path of (choose folder) as string

    display dialog "Sounds good! Just let me run in the background, and I'll snap away until the time is up."

    delay 1
  end run

  on idle
    set theCurrentDate to current date
    set shellCommand to "/usr/sbin/screencapture " & quoted form of (FolderPath & "Screen Shot" & (theCurrentDate as text) & ".png")
    do shell script shellCommand

    if theCurrentDate is greater than or equal to quitTime then tell me to quit
    return chosenFrequencySeconds
  end idle

  on reopen
    if running of me then
        tell me
            display alert "Already running"
        end tell
    end if
  end reopen