Assembly MIPS程序集中的确认对话框

Assembly MIPS程序集中的确认对话框,assembly,mips,Assembly,Mips,我无法使用MIPS中确认对话框的代码: .data Welcome1:.asciiz "\n Hello! you are about to play the mastermind guessing and logic game,Bulls & Cows!\n The Computer will generate a secret numbermade of 4 unique integer number.You have to guess the number!\n Using the nu


.data Welcome1:.asciiz "\n Hello! you are about to play the mastermind guessing and logic game,Bulls & Cows!\n The Computer will generate a secret numbermade of 4 unique integer number.You have to guess the number!\n Using the number of Bulls and Cows you get to find out what the secret number is!\n" Welcome2: .asciiz "\nEvery digit you enter that is both correct and in the right location is a BULL. When you get 4 BULLS, YOU WIN!\n\nEvery digit you enter that is correct, but not in the right location is a COW!\n" confirm: .asciiz "\n Select \nYES - if you are ready to guess \n NO - to see the rules again \n Cancel - to exit the Game\n" .text main:jal welcome welcome: la $a0,Welcome1 li $a1,1 li $v0, 55 syscall la,$a0,Welcome2 li $v0,55 syscall la $a0,confirm li $v0,50 syscall Exit: li $v0,10 syscall .数据 欢迎1:.asciiz“\n您好!您将要玩智囊团猜谜和逻辑游戏,公牛和奶牛!\n计算机将生成一个由4个唯一整数组成的秘密数字模型。您必须猜数字!\n使用公牛和奶牛的数量,您可以找到秘密数字!\n” 欢迎2:.asciiz“\n您输入的任何正确且位于正确位置的数字都是一头公牛。当您获得4头公牛时,您将获胜!\n\n您输入的任何正确但不位于正确位置的数字都是一头奶牛!\n” 确认:.asciiz“\n选择\n是-如果您准备猜测\n否-再次查看规则\n取消-退出游戏\n” .文本 主:欢迎日本航空公司 欢迎: 洛杉矶$a0,欢迎光临1 李$1,1 李$v0,55 系统调用 洛杉矶,a0美元,欢迎2 李$v0,55 系统调用 la$a0,确认 李$v0,50 系统调用 出口: 李$v0,10 系统调用


    .ascii  "\n Hello! you are about to play the mastermind"
    .ascii  " guessing and logic game,Bulls & Cows!\n"
    .ascii  "The Computer will generate a secret number made of 4 unique"
    .ascii  " integer numbers. You have to guess the number!\n"
    .ascii  "Using the number of Bulls and Cows you get to find out what"
    .asciiz " the secret number is!\n"

    .ascii  "\nEvery digit you enter that is both correct and in the right"
    .ascii  " location is a BULL. When you get 4 BULLS, YOU WIN!\n\n"
    .ascii  "Every digit you enter that is correct, but not in the right"
    .asciiz " location is a COW!\n"

    .ascii  "\n Select \n"
    .ascii  "YES - if you are ready to guess\n"
    .ascii  "NO - to see the rules again\n"
    .asciiz "Cancel - to exit the Game\n"

    .asciiz "\nEnter your game choice\n"



    # show intro and rules
    la      $a0,Welcome1
    li      $a1,1
    li      $v0,55

    la      $a0,Welcome2
    li      $v0,55

    # ask user to select an action (i.e. enter data, reread rules, exit program)
    la      $a0,confirm
    li      $v0,50

    # the return is in a0: 0=yes, 1=no, 2=cancel
    beq     $a0,0,main_asknum
    beq     $a0,2,main_exit
    b       main_welcome

    # ask user for the next game input
    # NOTE: this is a prompt for an integer number
    li      $v0,51
    la      $a0,msg_asknum

    beq     $a1,-1,main_asknum      # syntax error
    beq     $a1,-2,main_confirm     # cancel
    beq     $a1,-3,main_asknum      # ok, but no data

    jal     do_something            # do something with the number in a0 ...

    j       main_asknum

    li      $v0,10

# do_something -- process user's input
# arguments:
#   a0 -- number the user entered
    jr      $ra                     # return

大家好@user3341473,欢迎来到Stack Overflow。你能提供更多关于你的代码问题的细节吗?你期望它做什么,以及发生了什么?我正在寻找一个确认对话框,其中有选项“是”或“否”,以进一步与程序