Assembly 汇编语言猜谜游戏。我的代码不断循环,即使猜测应该是正确的?

Assembly 汇编语言猜谜游戏。我的代码不断循环,即使猜测应该是正确的?,assembly,mips,Assembly,Mips,我在这方面真的很新,所以我甚至不确定我的代码是否正确。事实上,这是我的第一次。 所以,我想我做的每件事都是正确的?我不知道为什么它不会退出循环,因为 beq$t1,$t0,winExit应该让它退出我的循环。loseExit也存在同样的问题。也许这一切都错了。。。如果是我的错>> # The program will ask the player to try to guess the secret number # and receive a numerical input from the

我在这方面真的很新,所以我甚至不确定我的代码是否正确。事实上,这是我的第一次。 所以,我想我做的每件事都是正确的?我不知道为什么它不会退出循环,因为

# The program will ask the player to try to guess the secret number 
# and receive a numerical input from the players.


# constant strings

prompt1:    .asciiz "Please guess the secret number (up to 10 tries): "
tooHigh:    .asciiz "Incorrect: Number is too high\n"
tooLow:     .asciiz "Incorrect: Number is too low\n"
userWin:    .asciiz "Congratulation! You guessed the secret number! :D"
userLose:   .asciiz "Sorry, You lose :/"


#start of the loop
#Set secret number
    li $t0,4            #$t0 hold the secret number: 4
    li $t1,9            #$t1 hold the maximum number of tries: 10
    li $t2,0            #$t2 hold the number of tries. (counter)

#Prompt user for a number
    li $v0,4            #code for print_string
    la $a0,prompt1      #point to $a0 to prompt strings
    syscall             #print prompt

#Get integer from user
    li $v0,5            #code for read_int
    syscall             #get integer from user --> returned in $v0
    move    $s0,$v0     #move the resulting int to $s0

#$s0 hold the guess number

#check if it is equal, if it is then exit loop
    beq $t1, $t0, winExit       #Brand if Equal. User guess the correct number.

    addi $t2,$t2,1              # +1 to counter
    beq  $t2,$t1, loseExit      #check if counter reach the maximum number

    blt $s0,$t0, lessThan       #Branch on Lower Than. check if guess number is less than secret number
    bgt $s0,$t0, greaterThan    #Branch on Greater Than. check if guess number is higher than secret number
    j loop                      #goes back to loop

#prompt guess number is too high then loop
    li  $v0,4           #code for print_string
    la  $a0, tooHigh    #point $a0 to tooLow string
    syscall             #print prompt
    j loop      
    #go back to loop

#prompt guess number is too low then loop
    li  $v0,4           #code for print_string
    la  $a0, tooLow     #point $a0 to tooLow string
    syscall             #print prompt
    j loop      #go back to loop

#print userWin to congratulate user
    li  $v0,4           #code for print_string
    la  $a0, userWin    #point $a0 to userWin string
    syscall             #print prompt
    j exitProgram

#print userLose to user

    li  $v0,4           #code for print_string
    la  $a0, userLose   #point $a0 to userLose string
    syscall             #print prompt
    j exitProgram

#Exit program
    li $v0,10           #code for exit
    syscall             #exit program

#Set secret number
    li $t0,4            #$t0 hold the secret number: 4
    li $t1,9            #$t1 hold the maximum number of tries: 10
    li $t2,0            #$t2 hold the number of tries. (counter)


哦,哇,我真傻。你不知道为什么我要检查它而不是$s0 lol>>我该怎么做才能让它记住计数器?将其移动到寄存器?@Qezzz:MARS系统调用不会对任何寄存器(返回值除外)进行缓冲。您可以假设其他一切都在系统调用本身中生存。(一些系统调用以
#Set secret number
    li $t0,4            #$t0 hold the secret number: 4
    li $t1,9            #$t1 hold the maximum number of tries: 10
    li $t2,0            #$t2 hold the number of tries. (counter)