Aws lambda AWS lambda函数问题

Aws lambda AWS lambda函数问题,aws-lambda,Aws Lambda,我试图用lambda构建一个简单的聊天机器人,但是,我无法找出我的lambda代码哪里出错了。据推测,我只允许硬编码三个名称,其中不包含名称“peter”。但当我输入peter时,它没有经过验证,似乎我的“身份验证”功能有问题。任何人都可以帮忙吗,非常感谢。 import math import datetime import time import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.


import math
import datetime
import time
import os
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

""" --- Helpers to build responses which match the structure of the necessary dialog actions --- """

def get_slots(intent_request):
    return intent_request['currentIntent']['slots']

def elicit_slot(session_attributes, intent_name, slots, slot_to_elicit, message):
    return {
        'sessionAttributes': session_attributes,
        'dialogAction': {
            'type': 'ElicitSlot',
            'intentName': intent_name,
            'slots': slots,
            'slotToElicit': slot_to_elicit,
            'message': message

def close(session_attributes, fulfillment_state, message):
    response = {
        'sessionAttributes': session_attributes,
        'dialogAction': {
            'type': 'Close',
            'fulfillmentState': fulfillment_state,
            'message': message

    return response

def delegate(session_attributes, slots):
    return {
        'sessionAttributes': session_attributes,
        'dialogAction': {
            'type': 'Delegate',
            'slots': slots

""" --- Helper Functions --- """

def build_validation_result(is_valid, violated_slot, message_content):
    if message_content is None:
        return {
            "isValid": is_valid,
            "violatedSlot": violated_slot,

    return {
        'isValid': is_valid,
        'violatedSlot': violated_slot,
        'message': {'contentType': 'PlainText', 'content': message_content}

def validate_name(patientName):
    names = ['jason', 'jane', 'joe']
    if patientName is not None and patientName.lower() not in names:
        return build_validation_result(False,
                                       'I cannot find your name, please enter again'.format(patientName))

    return build_validation_result(True, None, None)

""" --- Functions that control the bot's behavior --- """

def authentication(intent_request):
    Performs dialog management and fulfillment for ordering flowers.
    Beyond fulfillment, the implementation of this intent demonstrates the use of the elicitSlot dialog action
    in slot validation and re-prompting.
    slot = get_slots(intent_request)

    patientName =slot["patientName"]

    source = intent_request['invocationSource']

    if source == 'DialogCodeHook':
        # Perform basic validation on the supplied input slots.
        # Use the elicitSlot dialog action to re-prompt for the first violation detected.
        slots = get_slots(intent_request)

        validation_result = validate_name(patientName)
        if not validation_result['isValid']:
            slots[validation_result['violatedSlot']] = None
            return elicit_slot(intent_request['sessionAttributes'],

        output_session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes'] if intent_request['sessionAttributes'] is not None else {}

        return delegate(output_session_attributes, get_slots(intent_request))

    return close(intent_request['sessionAttributes'],
                 {'contentType': 'PlainText',
                  'content': 'Thank you {}, we have verified your credentials.'.format(patientName)})
""" --- Intents --- """

def dispatch(intent_request):
    Called when the user specifies an intent for this bot.

    logger.debug('dispatch userId={}, intentName={}'.format(intent_request['userId'], intent_request['currentIntent']['name']))

    intent_name = intent_request['currentIntent']['name']

    # Dispatch to your bot's intent handlers
    if intent_name == 'Authentication':
        return authentication(intent_request)

    raise Exception('Intent with name ' + intent_name + ' not supported')

""" --- Main handler --- """

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    Route the incoming request based on intent.
    The JSON body of the request is provided in the event slot.
    # Singapore time zone
    os.environ["TZ"] = "Asia/Singapore"

    return dispatch(event)