Azure 无法使用管理API获取虚拟机的内存使用情况

Azure 无法使用管理API获取虚拟机的内存使用情况,azure,virtual-machine,Azure,Virtual Machine,我没有在下面的api调用中获取用于虚拟机内存使用的timeseries对象 我试过这个: Method :Get Url:



Method :Get
Url:\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use&aggregation=Average&api-version=2018-01-01&

Authentication:  Barer token 

**Response :**
  "cost": 0,
  "timespan": "2020-08-14T11:00:00Z/2020-09-14T11:00:00Z",
  "interval": "P1D",
  "value": [
      "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/xxxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metrics/\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use",
      "type": "Microsoft.Insights/metrics",
      "name": {
        "value": "\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use",
        "localizedValue": "\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use"
      "unit": "Unspecified",
      "timeseries":   [],
      "errorCode": "Success"
  "namespace": "",
  "resourceregion": "westus2"



let usedMemory = Perf | where (ObjectName == 'Memory' and CounterName contains 'Committed Bytes') | summarize UsedMemory = (avg(CounterValue)) by Computer; let AvailMemory = InsightsMetrics | extend localTimestamp = TimeGenerated - 7h | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | where Namespace == 'Memory' and Name == 'AvailableMB' | extend AvailableMem = Val | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer; AvailMemory | join kind=leftouter usedMemory on Computer | extend FreeMemoryGB = round(AvailableMem/1024) | parse Tags with * ':' TotalMemoryMB '}' Err | project Computer, FreeMemoryGB, UsedMemory, TotalMemoryMB, localTimestamp, Namespace, Tags, AgentId, _ResourceId