C 由两个(pos)整数k和n以及1构成的函数。打印数字1-.n2的长度k的所有递增序列。返回数字序列

C 由两个(pos)整数k和n以及1构成的函数。打印数字1-.n2的长度k的所有递增序列。返回数字序列,c,recursion,C,Recursion,以下是完整的问题: 问题3[30点]。 编写一个包含两个正整数k和n的函数,其工作原理如下 1.打印由数字1…n组成的长度k的所有递增序列 2.返回此类序列的数目。比如说 int print_k_sequences( int n, int k) For example, print_k_sequences( 5 , 3) prints the following sequences 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 3 4 1 3 5 1 4 5 2 3 4 2 3 5 2 4 5 3 4


问题3[30点]。 编写一个包含两个正整数k和n的函数,其工作原理如下 1.打印由数字1…n组成的长度k的所有递增序列 2.返回此类序列的数目。比如说

int print_k_sequences( int n, int k)
For example, print_k_sequences( 5 , 3) prints the following sequences
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 2 5
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 4 5
2 3 4
2 3 5
2 4 5
3 4 5
and returns 10
打印序列的具体顺序由您决定。只添加一个空格 在数字之间。别忘了用新行分隔序列。 您的函数应该在合理的时间内对输入n、k和20起作用。 [提示:使用递归。您可能还需要使用辅助函数]


//helper for printing array
void printArr( int arr[], int size){

    for(int i =0; i<size; i++)
        printf("%d", arr[i] );


int findSeq ( int arr[], int n, int k){

/* start from last index and find first elelment less than n if righmost element
is n then we have to incremenet arr value with 1 at starting index*/
    int p = k -1;
    while(arr[p == n])

    //  if the last element is the n and the difference of n and k is one greater
    // thant the first elelment that means last sequence is generated
    if(arr[k-1] ==n && (n-k) == arr[0]-1)
        return 0;

    /* else increase the value of array element till n*/
    arr[p] = arr[p] + 1;

    /* the nextr index value of array shoul always be greater than previous value */
    for (int i = p+1; i<k; i++)
        arr[i] = arr[i-1] +1;

    return 1;


int print_k_sequences(int n,int k) {
  // implement me

    int arr[k];

    int count = 0;

    /*values of first seq*/
    while (1){
        printArr(arr, k);


        if(findSeq(arr, n, k) == 0)

  return count;



#include <stdio.h>

int numberOfSequences; // global variable to count number of sequences generated

// function to print contents of arr[0..k-1]
void OutputSequence(int arr[], int k) {
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
        printf("%d ", arr[i]);

// function to generate all increasing sequences from 1..n of length k
void generateSequence(int n, int k, int *len, int arr[]) {

    // If length of the array sequence becomes k
    if (*len == k) {
        numberOfSequences++; // we increment the counter by 1
        OutputSequence(arr, k); // and print that sequence

    int i;
    // If length is 0, then start putting new numbers in the sequence from 1.
    // If length is not 0, then start from previous element +1.
    if (*len == 0)
        i = 1;
        i = arr[*len - 1] + 1;

    // Increase length of the sequence so far

    // Put all numbers (which are greater than the previous element) at new position.
    while (i <= n) {
        arr[(*len) - 1] = i;    // adding the new element to the sequence
        generateSequence(n, k, len, arr);// generating the subsequent elements in the sequence


// driver function to print all increasing sequences from 1..n of length k
// and return the number of such sequences
int print_k_sequences(int n, int k) {
    int arr[k]; // array to store individual sequences
    int len = 0; // Initial length of current sequence
    numberOfSequences = 0; // counter to count number of sequences
    generateSequence(n, k, &len, arr);
    return numberOfSequences;

int main() {
    int k = 3, n = 5;
    printf("The sequences between 1.. %d  of length %d are:\n", n, k);
    int ans = print_k_sequences(n, k);
    printf("No of sequences= %d\n", ans);
    return 0;
int numberOfSequences;//全局变量,用于计算生成的序列数
for(int i=0;iwhile(我请提供以自动方式检查序列中任何n,k的测试代码。事实上,您已经声明顺序无关紧要。然后,需要一些东西来存储所有部分序列,比如以1开头的部分序列,等等。
#include <stdio.h>

int numberOfSequences; // global variable to count number of sequences generated

// function to print contents of arr[0..k-1]
void OutputSequence(int arr[], int k) {
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
        printf("%d ", arr[i]);

// function to generate all increasing sequences from 1..n of length k
void generateSequence(int n, int k, int *len, int arr[]) {

    // If length of the array sequence becomes k
    if (*len == k) {
        numberOfSequences++; // we increment the counter by 1
        OutputSequence(arr, k); // and print that sequence

    int i;
    // If length is 0, then start putting new numbers in the sequence from 1.
    // If length is not 0, then start from previous element +1.
    if (*len == 0)
        i = 1;
        i = arr[*len - 1] + 1;

    // Increase length of the sequence so far

    // Put all numbers (which are greater than the previous element) at new position.
    while (i <= n) {
        arr[(*len) - 1] = i;    // adding the new element to the sequence
        generateSequence(n, k, len, arr);// generating the subsequent elements in the sequence


// driver function to print all increasing sequences from 1..n of length k
// and return the number of such sequences
int print_k_sequences(int n, int k) {
    int arr[k]; // array to store individual sequences
    int len = 0; // Initial length of current sequence
    numberOfSequences = 0; // counter to count number of sequences
    generateSequence(n, k, &len, arr);
    return numberOfSequences;

int main() {
    int k = 3, n = 5;
    printf("The sequences between 1.. %d  of length %d are:\n", n, k);
    int ans = print_k_sequences(n, k);
    printf("No of sequences= %d\n", ans);
    return 0;