C 如何从uint32\t获取浮点值?

C 如何从uint32\t获取浮点值?,c,strict-aliasing,type-punning,C,Strict Aliasing,Type Punning,我使用这部分代码从微控制器上的OSC消息中读取浮点值。然而,我得到了“取消引用类型punned指针将破坏严格的别名规则[-Wstrict aliasing]”错误,并且printf上没有显示任何值。这个有什么解决办法吗?标记位于结构中,如下所示: char *marker; // the current read head 而tosc_的信息是: int tosc_parseMessage(tosc_message *o, char *buffer, const int len) { /

我使用这部分代码从微控制器上的OSC消息中读取浮点值。然而,我得到了“取消引用类型punned指针将破坏严格的别名规则[-Wstrict aliasing]”错误,并且printf上没有显示任何值。这个有什么解决办法吗?标记位于结构中,如下所示:

char *marker;  // the current read head

int tosc_parseMessage(tosc_message *o, char *buffer, const int len) {
  // NOTE(mhroth): if there's a comma in the address, that's weird
  int i = 0;
  while (buffer[i] != '\0') ++i; // find the null-terimated address
  while (buffer[i] != ',') ++i; // find the comma which starts the format string
  if (i >= len) return -1; // error while looking for format string
  // format string is null terminated
  o->format = buffer + i + 1; // format starts after comma

  while (i < len && buffer[i] != '\0') ++i;
  if (i == len) return -2; // format string not null terminated

  i = (i + 4) & ~0x3; // advance to the next multiple of 4 after trailing '\0'
  o->marker = buffer + i;

  o->buffer = buffer;
  o->len = len;

  return 0;

datasize_t recvfrom(uint8_t sn, uint8_t * buf, datasize_t len, uint8_t * addr, uint16_t *port, uint8_t *addrlen) //<- general 
float tosc_getNextFloat(tosc_message *o) {
  // convert from big-endian (network btye order)
  const uint32_t i = ntohl(*((uint32_t *) o->marker));
  o->marker += 4;
  return *((float *) (&i));  <---- this line of code does the error
float tosc_getNextFloat(tosc_消息*o){
常数uint32_t i=ntohl(*(uint32_t*)o->marker);



毕竟这不是代码问题。是的,我仍然得到了警告(但代码有效)。实际问题在IDE中。在链接器设置和生成器设置中,需要添加:-u\u printf\u float。这花了我一个月的时间才弄清楚发生了什么。感谢大家回答这条消息到底指的是哪一行?这是否回答了您的问题?或者这可能是您想要的:
?我已经尝试了所有这些,但输出上仍然没有值,所以,可能输入是空的:)我在考虑由“o”指向的缓冲区。我应该得到如下值:056487 083412,我连接的程序正在发送它(我可以通过osc监视器看到)你现在得到了什么?总是0?检查缓冲区*o-它是如何填充的?数据是如何写入的?给我们看代码。我已经通过printf%c我的缓冲区得到了一些东西…为了得到0.59088的值,我有下一个十六进制数(逐字节)“?ETB c xBA”(这应该是3F 17 43 e9,我看过浮点到十六进制转换器)…完整信息是:/composition/crossfader/phaseNULNULNUL,fNULNUL?etbcxbanulnulnulnulnulnul(如notepad++)经过一些调查后,它应该是0.590877..所以浮点十六进制是“3f 17 43 ba”,不知怎的,一个神话出现了,标准将其描述为依赖于实现来处理它们的“坏”程序“以一种记录在案的环境特征”IMO这更像是对“它能工作,所以它必须是好的”编码者的一种反应,他们不知道他们正在违反规则,因为他们的平台允许他们逃脱。只需谷歌“SIGBUS ARM”或“SIGBUS SPARC”“当他们得知
 typedef struct tosc_message {
    char *format;  // a pointer to the format field
    char *marker;  // the current read head
    char *buffer;  // the original message data (also points to the address)
    uint32_t len;  // length of the buffer data
} tosc_message;
int tosc_parseMessage(tosc_message *o, char *buffer, const int len) {
  // NOTE(mhroth): if there's a comma in the address, that's weird
  int i = 0;
  while (buffer[i] != '\0') ++i; // find the null-terimated address
  while (buffer[i] != ',') ++i; // find the comma which starts the format string
  if (i >= len) return -1; // error while looking for format string
  // format string is null terminated
  o->format = buffer + i + 1; // format starts after comma

  while (i < len && buffer[i] != '\0') ++i;
  if (i == len) return -2; // format string not null terminated

  i = (i + 4) & ~0x3; // advance to the next multiple of 4 after trailing '\0'
  o->marker = buffer + i;

  o->buffer = buffer;
  o->len = len;

  return 0;
void tosc_printMessage(tosc_message *osc) {
  printf("[%i bytes] %s %s",
      osc->len, // the number of bytes in the OSC message
      tosc_getAddress(osc), // the OSC address string, e.g. "/button1"
      tosc_getFormat(osc)); // the OSC format string, e.g. "f"

  for (int i = 0; osc->format[i] != '\0'; i++) {
    switch (osc->format[i]) {
      case 'f': printf(" %g", tosc_getNextFloat(osc)); break;
      case 'd': printf(" %g", tosc_getNextDouble(osc)); break;
      case 'i': printf(" %d", tosc_getNextInt32(osc)); break;
      default: printf(" Unknown format: '%c'", osc->format[i]); break;
float tosc_getNextFloat(tosc_message *o) {
  // convert from big-endian (network btye order)
  const uint32_t i = ntohl(*((uint32_t *) o->marker));
  o->marker += 4;
  return *((float *) (&i));  <---- this line of code does the error
float tosc_getNextFloat(tosc_message *o) {
  // convert from big-endian (network btye order)
  const uint32_t i = ntohl(*((uint32_t *) o->marker));
  o->marker += 4;

  float tmp = 0;
  memcpy((void *)&tmp, (void *)&i, sizeof(uint32_t));
  return tmp;