C 传递typedefed函数指针

C 传递typedefed函数指针,c,function,pointers,compiler-errors,C,Function,Pointers,Compiler Errors,我有两个具有相同签名的函数,我为它们定义了一个函数指针。此外,我键入了前面提到的函数指针以简化它的使用。代码如下: int add(int first_op, int second_op) { return first_op + second_op; } int subtract(int first_op, int second_op) { return first_op - second_op; } typedef int (*functionPtr)(int, int);


int add(int first_op, int second_op)
    return first_op + second_op;

int subtract(int first_op, int second_op)
    return first_op - second_op;

typedef int (*functionPtr)(int, int);

int do_math(functionPtr, int first, int second){
    return functionPtr(first, second);

main() {
    int a=3, b=2;
    functionPtr f = &add;
    printf("Result of add = %d\n", f(a,b));

    f = &subtract;
    printf("Result of subtract = %d\n", f(a,b));

在函数“do_math”中:错误:忽略参数名称 int do_mathfunctionPtr,int first,int second{

错误:“functionPtr”之前应为表达式 返回函数ptrfirst,second


int do_math(functionPtr function, int first, int second){
    return function(first, second);

int do_math(functionPtr function, int first, int second){
    return function(first, second);