C “二进制表达式的操作数无效”错误

C “二进制表达式的操作数无效”错误,c,C,我不断地发现这个错误: 二进制表达式“int”和“Primenumber”的操作数无效 “结构编号” 在下面我用**标记的两行上。出了什么问题,我该如何解决?该代码用于数据结构赋值 typedef struct number { int num[3]; } Primenumber; typedef struct node { int data; struct node *next; } Node; Node *head = NULL; int AddPrimeNum


二进制表达式“int”和“Primenumber”的操作数无效 “结构编号”


typedef struct number
    int num[3];
} Primenumber;

typedef struct node
    int data;
    struct node *next;
} Node;

Node *head = NULL;

int AddPrimeNumber(Primenumber x)
    Node *n;
    Node *newNode;
    //Create a new node
    newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));

    if (head == NULL)
        head = newNode;
        n= head;
        while (n-> next != NULL)
            n= n->next;
        n->next= newNode;
    return 0;

int SearchPrimeNumber(Primenumber x)
    int pos=0;
    Node *n = head;
    while (n != NULL)
        **if (n->data ==x)**
            return pos;
            n= n->next;
    return 0;

int DisplayPrimeNumber()
    Node *n =head;
    while (n != NULL)
        printf("%d -> ", n->data);
        n= n->next;
    return 0;




typedef struct Node {
    PrimeNumber data;
    struct Node *next;

areEqualPrimeNumbers(PrimeNumber *x, PrimeNumber *y)
    return ((x->num[0] == y->num[0]) && (x->num[1] == y->num[1]) && (x->num[2] == y->num[2]));


areEqualNodes(&x, &(n->data));


newNode->data的类型是int,而x的类型是PrimeNumber struct number。除了赋值,C对整个结构不提供任何操作。


typedef struct number
    int num[3];
} Primenumber;

typedef struct node
    int data;
    struct node *next;
} Node;

Node *head = NULL;

int AddPrimeNumber(Primenumber x)
    Node *n;
    Node *newNode;
    //Create a new node
    newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));

    if (head == NULL)
        head = newNode;
        n= head;
        while (n-> next != NULL)
            n= n->next;
        n->next= newNode;
    return 0;

int SearchPrimeNumber(Primenumber x)
    int pos=0;
    Node *n = head;
    while (n != NULL)
        **if (n->data ==x)**
            return pos;
            n= n->next;
    return 0;

int DisplayPrimeNumber()
    Node *n =head;
    while (n != NULL)
        printf("%d -> ", n->data);
        n= n->next;
    return 0;


你想做什么?为什么素数是一个三位数的东西?你在比较一个标量int newNode->data和一个结构素数x。您的意思是newNode->data=x.num[0]?您的意思可能是typedef struct node{PrimeNumber data;struct node*next;}node;?谢谢,我会记在心里添加评论!错误已被分类,程序运行良好,再次感谢您的帮助。
// always comment your code so others (or yourself later) 
// do not have to 'reverse engineer' it

// <-- declutter code by just defining a struct type, not typedef struct
struct PrimeNumber
    int num[3];

struct Node
    int data;
    struct node *next;

// <-- due to better definition of struct, need to use the 'struct' modifier
struct Node *head = NULL;

// <-- pass as pointer so compiler does not generate two hidden calls to memcpy())
// <-- nor allocate memory space that is unusable for anything else
//int AddPrimeNumber(PrimeNumber x)
// <-- due to better definition of struct, need to use the 'struct' modifier
int AddPrimeNumber(struct PrimeNumber* x)
    // <-- due to better definition of struct, need to use the 'struct' modifier
    // <-- initialize local variables to a 'safe' value
    struct Node *n = NULL;
    struct Node *newNode = NULL;

    //Create a new node
    // <-- always check the returned value from malloc() to assure operation successful
    if( NULL == (newNode = malloc(sizeof(Node)) ) )
    { // then malloc failed
        perror( "malloc failed" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    // implied else, malloc successful

    // <-- x contains 3 integer fields, newNode contains 1 integer field.
    // <-- what were you expecting to happen?
    // <-- perhaps you meant: newNode->data = x->num[0]; which only copies one int, not all three

    if (head == NULL) // this handles special case of empty list
        head = newNode;

    { // else, list already contains one or more nodes
        n= head;
        while (n->next != NULL)
            // step to next node in linked list
            n= n->next;
        // <-- currently 'n' points to last node in linked list
        // <-- add new node to end of linked list
        n->next= newNode;
    return 0;
} // end function: AddPrimeNumber

// similar considerations need to be applied to the other posted function
// always comment your code so others (or yourself later) 
// do not have to 'reverse engineer' it

// <-- declutter code by just defining a struct type, not typedef struct
struct PrimeNumber
    int num[3];

struct Node
    int data;
    struct node *next;

// <-- due to better definition of struct, need to use the 'struct' modifier
struct Node *head = NULL;

// <-- pass as pointer so compiler does not generate two hidden calls to memcpy())
// <-- nor allocate memory space that is unusable for anything else
//int AddPrimeNumber(PrimeNumber x)
// <-- due to better definition of struct, need to use the 'struct' modifier
int AddPrimeNumber(struct PrimeNumber* x)
    // <-- due to better definition of struct, need to use the 'struct' modifier
    // <-- initialize local variables to a 'safe' value
    struct Node *n = NULL;
    struct Node *newNode = NULL;

    //Create a new node
    // <-- always check the returned value from malloc() to assure operation successful
    if( NULL == (newNode = malloc(sizeof(Node)) ) )
    { // then malloc failed
        perror( "malloc failed" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    // implied else, malloc successful

    // <-- x contains 3 integer fields, newNode contains 1 integer field.
    // <-- what were you expecting to happen?
    // <-- perhaps you meant: newNode->data = x->num[0]; which only copies one int, not all three

    if (head == NULL) // this handles special case of empty list
        head = newNode;

    { // else, list already contains one or more nodes
        n= head;
        while (n->next != NULL)
            // step to next node in linked list
            n= n->next;
        // <-- currently 'n' points to last node in linked list
        // <-- add new node to end of linked list
        n->next= newNode;
    return 0;
} // end function: AddPrimeNumber

// similar considerations need to be applied to the other posted function