
为什么下面的代码不允许我使用fgets获取用户输入,却可以使用scanf?,c,scanf,user-input,fgets,C,Scanf,User Input,Fgets,这是一个更大的项目的简短摘录,但该项目的其余部分是无关的,因为我认为我能够孤立这个问题。我怀疑这与我使用FGET的方式有关。我已经读到使用FGET优于scanf,但我似乎无法让它在这里正常工作。当我使用以下代码时,程序不会给我输入数字的机会(只是跳过while循环,检查输入的数字是否在正确的范围内): 正如你所看到的,它从不让我输入数字,而是简单地进入下一步,似乎假设我没有输入任何东西 如果我按以下方式更改代码,一切都会按计划进行: #include <stdlib.h> #def




#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 10

int main(void)
    // ask user for how many items to store
    printf("how many words would you like to enter? (1-%i): ", SIZE);

    // save number of words user would like to store
    char *input = malloc(sizeof(char));
    // fgets(input, 1, stdin);
    scanf("%c", input);

    int words = atoi(input);

    printf("the number of words is: %i\n", words);
    while (words < 1 || words > SIZE)
        printf("please enter a number between 1 and %i: ", SIZE);
        scanf("%i", &words);

please enter string #0: you've entered: 
word length: 1



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define BUF_SIZE_WORDS 4096
#define BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS 256
#define MAX_WORDS 10

int word_input(int num_words);

void empty_stdin();

int main(void)
    int num_words = 0,       /* number of words to enter */
        word_count_check = 0;          /* word count */

    char buffer[BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS] = "";    /* buffer of sufficient size for input */

    for (;;) /* loop continually until valid input of NUMBER OF WORDS USER WANTS TO ENTER or user cancels */
        printf ("how many words would you like to enter? [1-%d]: ", MAX_WORDS);
        // check for cancellation of input
        if (!fgets (buffer, BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS, stdin))
            fputs ("user canceled input\n", stderr);
            return 1;

        // check if user simply hit enter w/o typing anything
        if(buffer[0] == '\n')
            printf("please enter a value\n");

        size_t inlength = strlen(buffer);

        // validate length < BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS - 1
        if (inlength >= BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS - 1)
            fputs ("input exceeds allocated buffer size\n", stderr);
            return 2;

        if (inlength && buffer[inlength - 1] == '\n')
            // printf("hurray!\n");
            buffer[--inlength] = 0;
        else if (inlength == BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS - 1) /* the line was too long */
            printf("you've entered too many characters... please stick to a maximum of %i\n", BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS);

        // make sure user actually entered a proper int
        if (sscanf (buffer, "%d", &num_words) != 1) /* sscanf is used for conversion */
            fputs ("invalid conversion to int; please provide valid input\n", stderr);

        // check if the number entered is out of range
        if (num_words < 1 || num_words > MAX_WORDS)
            fprintf (stderr, "%2d out of valid range.\n", num_words);
            break; /*if the input has been validated, we can now break out of the for loop */

    // call the word_input function and store its return value in word_count_check
    word_count_check = word_input(num_words);

    // check if the number of words processed equals to the number requested by the user
    if(word_count_check == num_words)
        printf("something went wrong, since word_count_check != num_words...\n");


int word_input(int num_words)
    int word_count = 0;

    for(;;) /* loop until word_count == num_words is achieved */
        // declare an array for storing input string
        char buffer[BUF_SIZE_WORDS];
        char valid_input[BUF_SIZE_WORDS];

        // prompt user for input
        printf("please enter a string: ");

        // get input and check for CTRL+D
        if (!fgets(buffer, BUF_SIZE_WORDS, stdin))
            fputs ("user canceled input\n", stderr);

         // check if user simply hit enter w/o typing anything
        if(buffer[0] == '\n')
            printf("please enter a word that's more than 0 characters\n");
            // empty_stdin();

        size_t inlength = strlen(buffer);

        // check if user input exceed buffer size
        if (inlength >= BUF_SIZE_WORDS - 1)
            fputs ("input exceeds allocated buffer size, please try again\n", stderr);

        // check if the user entered too many characters
        if (inlength == BUF_SIZE_WORDS - 1) /* the line was too long */
            printf("you've entered too many characters... please stick to a maximum of %i\n", BUF_SIZE_WORDS);

        if (inlength && buffer[inlength - 1] == '\n')
            buffer[--inlength] = 0;

            // get rid of trailing spaces using sscanf
            sscanf(buffer, "%s", valid_input);

            // figure out the length of the word the user entered
            int word_length = ((int) strlen(valid_input));
            printf("string length: %i\n", word_length);

            // print out the word entered by the user one character at a time
            printf("you've entered: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < word_length; i++)
                printf("%c", valid_input[i]);

            // increment word count
            printf("word_count = %i\n", word_count);

            if (word_count == num_words)
                return word_count;

/* helper function to remove any chars left in input buffer */
void empty_stdin()
    int c = getchar();
    while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
        c = getchar();

2) 调用下面的空_stdin()函数似乎会导致某种奇怪的挂起,看起来程序需要我进一步输入,而不是继续下一步,特别是当我经常使用它时(我想为什么不在用户每次输入奇怪的内容时清除输入流?)和/或当我将缓冲区减小到非常小的值,然后故意输入太多字符时

void empty_stdin()
    int c = getchar();
    while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
        c = getchar();

3) 最后,我想使用一些代码从文本文件(而不是用户输入)加载字典,并将其存储在哈希表中,在另一个版本中,存储在trie中。除了使用isalpha()确保只存储包含字母的单词外,在处理输入时,除了上面的检查外,是否还需要进行其他检查/验证?是否应该跳过上面的任何检查?








  • 用户在Linux上按ctrl+d生成手动
  • 您可以处理匹配或输入失败的情况,包括在下次尝试读取之前从输入缓冲区中删除任何有问题的字符;最后
  • 您有很好的输入(返回指示所有预期的、已发生的转换)
  • 这其中没有什么神奇之处,但它确实需要了解可能的错误条件,并在每个输入上处理它们

    please enter string #0: you've entered: 
    word length: 1
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define BUF_SIZE_WORDS 4096
    #define BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS 256
    #define MAX_WORDS 10
    int word_input(int num_words);
    void empty_stdin();
    int main(void)
        int num_words = 0,       /* number of words to enter */
            word_count_check = 0;          /* word count */
        char buffer[BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS] = "";    /* buffer of sufficient size for input */
        for (;;) /* loop continually until valid input of NUMBER OF WORDS USER WANTS TO ENTER or user cancels */
            printf ("how many words would you like to enter? [1-%d]: ", MAX_WORDS);
            // check for cancellation of input
            if (!fgets (buffer, BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS, stdin))
                fputs ("user canceled input\n", stderr);
                return 1;
            // check if user simply hit enter w/o typing anything
            if(buffer[0] == '\n')
                printf("please enter a value\n");
            size_t inlength = strlen(buffer);
            // validate length < BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS - 1
            if (inlength >= BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS - 1)
                fputs ("input exceeds allocated buffer size\n", stderr);
                return 2;
            if (inlength && buffer[inlength - 1] == '\n')
                // printf("hurray!\n");
                buffer[--inlength] = 0;
            else if (inlength == BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS - 1) /* the line was too long */
                printf("you've entered too many characters... please stick to a maximum of %i\n", BUF_SIZE_NUMBERS);
            // make sure user actually entered a proper int
            if (sscanf (buffer, "%d", &num_words) != 1) /* sscanf is used for conversion */
                fputs ("invalid conversion to int; please provide valid input\n", stderr);
            // check if the number entered is out of range
            if (num_words < 1 || num_words > MAX_WORDS)
                fprintf (stderr, "%2d out of valid range.\n", num_words);
                break; /*if the input has been validated, we can now break out of the for loop */
        // call the word_input function and store its return value in word_count_check
        word_count_check = word_input(num_words);
        // check if the number of words processed equals to the number requested by the user
        if(word_count_check == num_words)
            printf("something went wrong, since word_count_check != num_words...\n");
    int word_input(int num_words)
        int word_count = 0;
        for(;;) /* loop until word_count == num_words is achieved */
            // declare an array for storing input string
            char buffer[BUF_SIZE_WORDS];
            char valid_input[BUF_SIZE_WORDS];
            // prompt user for input
            printf("please enter a string: ");
            // get input and check for CTRL+D
            if (!fgets(buffer, BUF_SIZE_WORDS, stdin))
                fputs ("user canceled input\n", stderr);
             // check if user simply hit enter w/o typing anything
            if(buffer[0] == '\n')
                printf("please enter a word that's more than 0 characters\n");
                // empty_stdin();
            size_t inlength = strlen(buffer);
            // check if user input exceed buffer size
            if (inlength >= BUF_SIZE_WORDS - 1)
                fputs ("input exceeds allocated buffer size, please try again\n", stderr);
            // check if the user entered too many characters
            if (inlength == BUF_SIZE_WORDS - 1) /* the line was too long */
                printf("you've entered too many characters... please stick to a maximum of %i\n", BUF_SIZE_WORDS);
            if (inlength && buffer[inlength - 1] == '\n')
                buffer[--inlength] = 0;
                // get rid of trailing spaces using sscanf
                sscanf(buffer, "%s", valid_input);
                // figure out the length of the word the user entered
                int word_length = ((int) strlen(valid_input));
                printf("string length: %i\n", word_length);
                // print out the word entered by the user one character at a time
                printf("you've entered: ");
                for (int i = 0; i < word_length; i++)
                    printf("%c", valid_input[i]);
                // increment word count
                printf("word_count = %i\n", word_count);
                if (word_count == num_words)
                    return word_count;
    /* helper function to remove any chars left in input buffer */
    void empty_stdin()
        int c = getchar();
        while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
            c = getchar();
    if (!fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin)) { /* validate ALL user input */ 
        fputs ("(user canceled input)\n", stderr); 
        return 1; 
    void empty_stdin()
        int c = getchar();
        while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
            c = getchar();
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define SIZE  10    /* good form defining a constant! */
    #define MAXC 256    /* max characters for buffer */
    int main (void) {
        int nwords = 0,         /* number of words to enter */
            words = 0,          /* each word */
            wc = 0;             /* word count */
        char buf[MAXC] = "";    /* buffer of sufficient size for input */
        for (;;) {  /* loop continually until valid input or user cancels */
            printf ("number of words to enter? [1-%d]: ", SIZE);
            if (!fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin)) {    /* validate ALL user input */
                fputs ("(user canceled input)\n", stderr);
                return 1;
            /* validate length < MAXC - 1 and buf[length-1] == '\n' here */
            if (sscanf (buf, "%d", &nwords) != 1) { /* sscanf for conversion */
                fputs ("  error: invalid conversion to int.\n", stderr);
            if (nwords < 1 || SIZE < nwords)  /* validate nwords in range */
                fprintf (stderr, " %2d out of valid range.\n", nwords);
            else  /* good input received, break loop */
        printf ("\nnumber of words entered: %d\n", nwords);
        for (; wc < nwords;) {  /* loop continually  */
            int rtn = 0;    /* scanf return */
            printf ("please enter a number between 1 and %d: ", SIZE);
            rtn = scanf ("%d", &words);     /* valdate ALL user input */
            if (rtn == EOF) {           /* handle EOF (manual) */
                fputs ("(user canceled input)\n", stderr);
            else if (rtn == 0) {    /* handle "matching failure" */
                int c = getchar();  /* remove offending chars from stdin */
                while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
                    c = getchar();
                fputs ("  error: invalid integer input\n", stderr);
            else {  /* valid integer received */
                int c = getchar();      /* remove any extra chars from stdin */
                while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
                    c = getchar();
                if (words < 1 || SIZE < words)  /* validate in-range */
                    fprintf (stderr, " %2d - invalid! (1 < valid < %d)\n", 
                            words, SIZE);
                else    /* good input, increment word count */
                    printf (" word[%2d]: %3d\n", ++wc, words);
    /* helper function to remove any chars left in input buffer */
    void empty_stdin()
        int c = getchar();
        while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
            c = getchar();
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define SIZE  10    /* good form defining a constant! */
    #define MAXC 256    /* max characters for buffer */
    int main (void) {
        int nwords = 0,         /* number of words to enter */
            words = 0,          /* each word */
            wc = 0;             /* word count */
        char buf[MAXC] = "";    /* buffer of sufficient size for input */
        for (;;) {  /* loop continually until valid input or user cancels */
            printf ("number of words to enter? [1-%d]: ", SIZE);
            if (!fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin)) {    /* validate ALL user input */
                fputs ("(user canceled input)\n", stderr);
                return 1;
            /* validate length < MAXC - 1 and buf[length-1] == '\n' here */
            if (sscanf (buf, "%d", &nwords) != 1) { /* sscanf for conversion */
                fputs ("  error: invalid conversion to int.\n", stderr);
            if (nwords < 1 || SIZE < nwords)
                fprintf (stderr, " %2d out of valid range.\n", nwords);
        printf ("\nnumber of words entered: %d\n", nwords);
        for (; wc < nwords;) {  /* loop continually  */
            int rtn = 0;    /* scanf return */
            printf ("please enter a number between 1 and %d: ", SIZE);
            rtn = scanf ("%d", &words);     /* valdate ALL user input */
            if (rtn == EOF) {           /* handle EOF (manual) */
                fputs ("(user canceled input)\n", stderr);
            else if (rtn == 0) {    /* handle "matching failure" */
                int c = getchar();  /* remove offending chars from stdin */
                while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
                    c = getchar();
                fputs ("  error: invalid integer input\n", stderr);
            else {  /* valid integer received */
                int c = getchar();      /* remove any extra chars from stdin */
                while (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
                    c = getchar();
                if (words < 1 || SIZE < words)  /* validate in-range */
                    fprintf (stderr, " %2d - invalid! (1 < valid < %d)\n", 
                            words, SIZE);
                else    /* good input, increment word count */
                    printf (" word[%2d]: %3d\n", ++wc, words);
    $ ./bin/getintstdin
    number of words to enter? [1-10]: five, maybe six?
      error: invalid conversion to int.
    number of words to enter? [1-10]: -2
     -2 out of valid range.
    number of words to enter? [1-10]: 3
    number of words entered: 3
    please enter a number between 1 and 10: two? three?
      error: invalid integer input
    please enter a number between 1 and 10: 2
     word[ 1]:   2
    please enter a number between 1 and 10: -2
     -2 - invalid! (1 < valid < 10)
    please enter a number between 1 and 10: 11
     11 - invalid! (1 < valid < 10)
    please enter a number between 1 and 10: 3
     word[ 2]:   3
    please enter a number between 1 and 10: 4
     word[ 3]:   4