Canvas 调试threejs raycaster鼠标坐标

Canvas 调试threejs raycaster鼠标坐标,canvas,three.js,Canvas,Three.js,我制作了一个光线投射器,使画布内的某个对象相交。如果canvas在窗口浏览器中是单独的,那么效果很好,但是如果我将canvas放在其他GUI中,那么它就不会相交,因此canvas的位置是不同的。我认为这是鼠标坐标的问题。如何调试它?如果我知道鼠标坐标,我如何理解画布的坐标 function getPosition(event) { // TODO: add the border of the canvas var x = new Number(); var y = new Number();


function getPosition(event) {
// TODO: add the border of the canvas
var x = new Number();
var y = new Number();

if (event.x != undefined && event.y != undefined) {
      x = event.x;
      y = event.y;
 } else {
      // Firefox method to get the position
      x = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft +
      y = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop +

 x -= canvas.offsetLeft;
 y -= canvas.offsetTop;

 return {x: x, y: y};    

// getBoundingClientRect() returns the element's position relative to the browser's visible viewport.
// clientX/Y returns the mouse position relative to the browser's visible viewport.
// we then just have to find the difference between the two to get the mouse position in "canvas-space"

var canvasPosition = renderer.domElement.getBoundingClientRect();

var mouseX = event.clientX - canvasPosition.left;
var mouseY = event.clientY -;

var mouseVector = new THREE.Vector2 (
        2 * (mouseX / window.innerWidth) - 1,
    1 - 2 * (mouseY / window.innerHeight));

你使用<代码> MouthValue<代码>求交集。
