
Clojure/compojure:如何处理来自Web表单的用户输入?,clojure,routes,compojure,numeric-input,Clojure,Routes,Compojure,Numeric Input,我正在制作一个Clojure web应用程序来处理数字输入数据。我已经设置了主页,正在通过按钮处理和显示提交后的输入数据 带注释的关键代码位: (defn process-grades "Takes user input from home's form-to function and processes it into the final grades list" [weights grades] (->> grades (map

我正在制作一个Clojure web应用程序来处理数字输入数据。我已经设置了主页,正在通过按钮处理和显示提交后的输入数据


(defn process-grades 
      "Takes user input from home's form-to function and processes it into the final grades list"
      [weights grades]
    (->> grades
         (map (partial percentify-vector weights))  ;; <- The functions being called here are omitted but defined in the same name space.
         (mapv #(apply + %))))

    (defn home [& [weights grades error]]
    [:title "Home | Clojuregrade"]]
    [:h1 "Welcome to Clojuregrade"]
    [:p error]
   (form-to [:post "/"]
    [:h3 "Enter the weights for each of the grades below. Of course, all of the numbers should add up to 100%. Be sure to include the brackets"
     (text-area {:cols 30 :placeholder "[40 10 50] <- adds up to 100%"} "weights" weights)]
    [:h3 "Enter ALL of the grades for EACH STUDENT in your class.
      Make sure that each of the grades is ordered such that the grade corresponds
      to its matching weight above."
    (text-area {:rows 15 :cols 30 :placeholder
"[89 78 63]
                    [78 91 60]
                    [87 65 79]
                    ... " } "grades" grades)]
     (submit-button "process"))]))

(defn processed [weights grades]
   (empty? weights)
   (home weights grades "You forgot to add the weights!")
   (empty? grades)
   (home weights grades "You forgot to add the grades!")
   [:h2 "These are your final grades."]
   [:p "test"]))))  ;; <- I would like to call process-grades here. "test" renders fine. 

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" []
       {:status 200
        :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
        :body (home)})
  (POST "/" [weights grades] (processed weights grades)) 
  (ANY "*" []
       (route/not-found (slurp (io/resource "404.html"))))) 

;; ... 


(defn processed [weights grades]
  ;; .. snip

;; .. snip

(POST "/" [weights grades] (processed weights grades))



Enter the weights for each of the grades below. Of…
<textarea id="weights" placeholder="[40 10 50] <- adds up to 100%" name="weights" cols="30"></textarea>
Enter ALL of the grades for EACH STUDENT in your c…
<textarea id="grades" rows="15" placeholder="bla" name="grades" cols="30"></textarea>




<form method="POST" action="/">
    <input type="submit" value="process"></input>



(defn home [ & [weights grades error]]
    [:h1 "Welcome to Clojure-grade"]
    [:p error]
    (form-to [:post "/"]
      [:h3 "Enter the weights for each of the grades below. Of course, all of the numbers should add up to 100%. Be sure to include the brackets"
     (text-area {:cols 30 :placeholder "[40 10 50] <- adds up to 100%"} "weights" weights)
    [:h3 "Enter ALL of the grades for EACH STUDENT in your class.
      Make sure that each of the grades is ordered such that the grade corresponds
      to its matching weight above."
     (text-area {:rows 15 :cols 30 :placeholder "bla"} "grades" grades)]
                                       ;                                     (Each     grade corresponds to one of the weights above,
                                       ; so order is important. You can copy and paste directly from your excel file but don't forget
                                       ; the brackets!)" } "grades" grades)]
     (submit-button "process")))) ;; <- when I hit this in the browser I get a 404, with or without input.
(defn home[&[weights grades error]]

(文本区域{:cols 30:占位符“[40 10 50]我尝试过这个方法,但是我得到了一个404,它正在访问另一个文件夹中的html,这意味着它完全跳过了“POST”方法。我还向“processed”函数添加了一些异常捕获,以测试它是否被调用,并更改了数学位,以查看是否可以使其呈现文本。Ne它已经成功了。home函数应该定义用户输入的权重和等级变量,然后对它们进行处理。我将编辑上面的代码,向您展示此文件中的所有内容。谢谢您的帮助!只是调试的一般思路。您是否向firebug检查post请求?值是否如预期的那样?您是否检查了基因分级html表单?看起来正确吗?可能只是某个地方有一个简单的语法/拼写错误。我不熟悉hiccup,但我看不到“等级”“在某个地方定义了输入,也许这就是问题所在?我会研究firebug,但没有呈现html,只有404错误页面。我认为权重和等级变量是通过home函数中的文本区域标记定义的,带有“权重”权重和“等级”分数,但我必须承认,这种语法让人困惑。hiccup文档的信息量也不多,谷歌搜索发现了我的问题,并发布了过时的博客文章。在compojure文档中,我看到了一些我认为可能有用的东西,但它超出了我的理解范围(POST/“[weights grades]”…)看起来不正确。您的URI中没有参数,它只是“/”。如果它没有被命中,您可能实际上没有向/发送POST请求。如果没有参数,那么应该如何从URI中提取权重和分数?我认为您可能需要从请求参数而不是URI中提取权重和分数。在我看来,您的问题是“为什么我会出现404错误?”,而不是“我需要一个数据库吗?“你对表单功能的看法是正确的,但它仍然不起作用。我认为在它真正运行之前,我有很多疑难解答要做。我在google组中启动了一个线程,因为它似乎变得太难用了。不管你想要什么:D我在这里上传了我的工作示例:你可以检查它并使用它运行“lein ring server”,转到localhost:3000/landing,输入您的输入,提交后,您将在控制台输出中看到数据。顺便说一句,使用luminus之类的工具将使您更容易开始;-)由于您上一篇文章,我完全弄清楚了路由。一些见解:(1)我们可以简单地在defroutes中实现get“/landing”/“(2)我的应用程序一直在clojuregrade.web命名空间中运行。通过在我的defroutes中添加帖子,我可以复制您所做的操作。(3)将输入数据结构转换为process grades函数可读的内容是一个非常棘手的问题,可能是一个新问题。我想我已经完成了这个
lein new heroku
模板。Luminus似乎是新的标准,并且有更好的文档记录。再次感谢!是的,只需使用通过luminus和代码,重要的部分很容易理解。稍后您仍然可以使用heroku模板。如果您掌握了基本部分,您将看到luminus只是由“标准clojure web应用程序”组成。