Compiler errors 新脚本:错误";Finder出现错误:Can’;无法获取文件夹

Compiler errors 新脚本:错误";Finder出现错误:Can’;无法获取文件夹,compiler-errors,applescript,Compiler Errors,Applescript,教科书中的一个练习让我感到困惑,示例脚本: tell application "Finder" tell folder "AppleScript" of folder "Applications" set file_list to name of every item set time_folder_was_created to creation date set time_folder_was_modified to modificat


tell application "Finder"

    tell folder "AppleScript" of folder "Applications"
        set file_list to name of every item
        set time_folder_was_created to creation date
        set time_folder_was_modified to modification date

    end tell
end tell

这是否与过时的进程或OS 10.11 security for Applications文件夹有关,或者我没有看到它。


tell application "Finder"
    tell folder "AppleScript" of folder "Applications" of startup disk
        set file_list to name of every item
        set time_folder_was_created to creation date
        set time_folder_was_modified to modification date
    end tell
end tell

set applicationsFolder to path to applications folder as text 
tell application "Finder"
    tell folder "AppleScript" of folder applicationsFolder
        set file_list to name of every item
        set time_folder_was_created to creation date
        set time_folder_was_modified to modification date
    end tell
end tell


tell application "Finder"
    tell folder "AppleScript" of folder "Applications" of startup disk
        set file_list to name of every item
        set time_folder_was_created to creation date
        set time_folder_was_modified to modification date
    end tell
end tell

set applicationsFolder to path to applications folder as text 
tell application "Finder"
    tell folder "AppleScript" of folder applicationsFolder
        set file_list to name of every item
        set time_folder_was_created to creation date
        set time_folder_was_modified to modification date
    end tell
end tell