guzzle php http客户端cookies设置

guzzle php http客户端cookies设置,cookies,symfony,httpclient,symfony-2.1,zend-http-client,Cookies,Symfony,Httpclient,Symfony 2.1,Zend Http Client,我正在尝试从Zend Http客户端迁移到Guzzle Http客户端。我发现Guzzle的功能很好,大部分都很容易使用,但我认为它在使用Cookie插件时没有很好的文档记录。所以我的问题是,如何在Guzzle中为针对服务器发出的HTTP请求设置cookie 使用Zend Client,您可以执行以下简单操作: $client = new HttpClient($url); // Zend\Http\Client http client object instantiation $cooki

我正在尝试从Zend Http客户端迁移到Guzzle Http客户端。我发现Guzzle的功能很好,大部分都很容易使用,但我认为它在使用Cookie插件时没有很好的文档记录。所以我的问题是,如何在Guzzle中为针对服务器发出的HTTP请求设置cookie

使用Zend Client,您可以执行以下简单操作:

$client = new HttpClient($url);   // Zend\Http\Client http client object instantiation
$cookies = $request->cookies->all();   // $request Symfony request object that gets all the cookies, as array name-value pairs, that are set on the end client (browser) 
$client->setCookies($cookies);  // we use the above client side cookies to set them on the HttpClient object and,
$client->send();   //finally make request to the server at $url that receives the cookie data



$cookieJar = new ArrayCookieJar();  // new jar instance
$cookies = $request->cookies->all(); // get cookies from symfony symfony Request instance
foreach($cookies as $name=>$value) {  //create cookie object and add to jar
  $cookieJar->add(new Cookie(array('name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value)));

$client = new HttpClient("http://yourhosturl");
$cookiePlugin = new CookiePlugin($cookieJar);

// Add the cookie plugin to the client object

$gRequest = $client->get('/your/path');

$gResponse = $gRequest->send();      // finally, send the client request
当服务器返回带有set cookie头的响应时,$cookieJar中就有了这些cookie

Cookie jar也可以通过CookiePlugin方法获得



$client = new HttpClient();

$request = $client->get($url);

foreach($cookies as $name => $value) {
    $request->addCookie($name, $value);

$response = $request->send();
