Corda 无法使用gradle integrationTest从CLI运行基于驱动程序的测试

Corda 无法使用gradle integrationTest从CLI运行基于驱动程序的测试,corda,Corda,我已经在CorDapp项目的src/integrationTest/kotlin/com.example.integrationTest目录下定义了基于驱动程序的测试: class IntegrationTest { private val nodeAName = CordaX500Name("NodeA", "", "GB") private val nodeBName = CordaX500Name("NodeB", "", "US") @Test fun `run driver test


class IntegrationTest {
private val nodeAName = CordaX500Name("NodeA", "", "GB")
private val nodeBName = CordaX500Name("NodeB", "", "US")

fun `run driver test`() {
    driver(DriverParameters(isDebug = true, startNodesInProcess = true)) {
        // This starts three nodes simultaneously with startNode, which returns a future that completes when the node
        // has completed startup. Then these are all resolved with getOrThrow which returns the NodeHandle list.
        val (nodeAHandle, nodeBHandle) = listOf(
                startNode(providedName = nodeAName),
                startNode(providedName = nodeBName)
        ).map { it.getOrThrow() }

        // This test will call via the RPC proxy to find a party of another node to verify that the nodes have
        // started and can communicate. This is a very basic test, in practice tests would be starting flows,
        // and verifying the states in the vault and other important metrics to ensure that your CorDapp is working
        // as intended.
        Assert.assertEquals(nodeAHandle.rpc.wellKnownPartyFromX500Name(nodeBName)!!.name, nodeBName)
        Assert.assertEquals(nodeBHandle.rpc.wellKnownPartyFromX500Name(nodeAName)!!.name, nodeAName)
如果我们尝试从命令行使用gradle integrationTest执行测试,我们如何确保integrationTest成功执行

如果使用Inteliij IDE进行了尝试,Junit测试将通过适当的测试报告/日志按预期工作。


./gradlew clean integrationTest

./gradlew clean integrationTest --info