C++ cli Windows TableLayoutPanel不显示控件

C++ cli Windows TableLayoutPanel不显示控件,c++-cli,C++ Cli,我是否遗漏了任何会阻止子控件出现在面板中的内容。现在,没有显示任何控件,只有一个空白面板。我只是对初始化中缺少的内容提供了一个新的提示 pane = gcnew TableLayoutPanel (); pane->Anchor = AnchorStyles::Left | AnchorStyles::Right | AnchorStyles::Top | AnchorStyles::Bottom; //pane->RowCount = ; pane->Size = Size;


pane = gcnew TableLayoutPanel ();
pane->Anchor = AnchorStyles::Left | AnchorStyles::Right | AnchorStyles::Top | AnchorStyles::Bottom;
//pane->RowCount = ;
pane->Size = Size;
pane->ColumnCount = 1;
pane->BackColor = Color::AliceBlue;
// Add progess bars
AddProgressBars ();  
Controls->Add (pane);

    int statusBarCount = 10;        // the number of progress bars
    progressBars = gcnew ArrayList (statusBarCount);

    int y = 2;  // the y coord for the progress bar
    for each 
        (System::Windows::Forms::ProgressBar ^pb in progressBars)
        pb->Size = System::Drawing::Size (200, 15);
        pb->Location = Point (2, y);
        pb->Dock = DockStyle::Bottom;
        pane->Controls->Add (pb);
        y += 10;
