C++ 重心坐标不';t总是工作(3d)

C++ 重心坐标不';t总是工作(3d),c++,linear-algebra,C++,Linear Algebra,我有一个由12个三角形组成的三维长方体,以原点为中心。我从原点向随机方向发射光线,目标是得到与光线相交的面。 我通过搜索所有光线/平面交点,然后用重心坐标(u、v、w)确定其上的面(如果有)。 这只在一半的时间内正常工作,通常会产生意外的结果: float triangleAREA(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c) { return(length(cross(b-a, c-a)) / 2); } int isINtriangle(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c

我有一个由12个三角形组成的三维长方体,以原点为中心。我从原点向随机方向发射光线,目标是得到与光线相交的面。 我通过搜索所有光线/平面交点,然后用重心坐标(u、v、w)确定其上的面(如果有)。 这只在一半的时间内正常工作,通常会产生意外的结果:

float triangleAREA(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c)
    return(length(cross(b-a, c-a)) / 2);
int isINtriangle(vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c, vec3 p)
    float total_area = triangleAREA(a, b, c);
    float u = triangleAREA(a, b, p);
    float v = triangleAREA(a, c, p);
    float w = triangleAREA(c, b, p);

    if (u + v + w != total_area)
        return Ray::_NOintersection;
        if (u == 0 || v == 0 || w == 0)
            return Ray::_Onedge_OnVertex;
            return Ray::_INtriangle;

vec3 a = normalize(ray_direction); vec3 b = normalize(intersect);
if (
    a.x > b.x - 1 && a.x < b.x + 1 &&
    a.z > b.z - 1 && a.z < b.z + 1 &&
    a.y > b.y - 1 && a.y < b.y + 1 
vec3 a=规格化(光线方向);vec3 b=规格化(相交);
a、 x>b.x-1&&a.xb.z-1&&a.zb.y-1&&a.y


if (u + v + w != total_area)


#include <assert.h>

// 0 when [0,p] ray goes through [0,t1,t2] plane.
// Otherwise, the sign tells relative orientation of the ray and the plane.
inline float crossDot( vec3 t1, vec3 t2, vec3 p )
    // Depending on winding order of triangles, and coordinate system (right versus left handed),
    // you may need to flip the cross() arguments
    return dot( cross( t1, t2 ), p );

// The triangle is [a, b, c], the points must have consistent winding,
// i.e. when viewed from [0,0,0] the order must be either clockwise or counterclockwise,
// for all triangles of your mesh.
// p does not need to be normalized, length is ignored, only direction is used.
int testRayTriangle( vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c, vec3 p )
    // If this assert fails because zero, you have a zero-area triangle, or a triangle that goes through [0,0,0].
    // If this assert fails because negative, you need to flip cross() arguments, or fix winding order in the mesh.
    assert( crossDot( a, b, c ) > 0 );
    const float e1 = crossDot( a, b, p );
    const float e2 = crossDot( b, c, p );
    const float e3 = crossDot( c, a, p );
    if( e1 < 0 || e2 < 0 || e3 < 0 )
        return Ray::_NOintersection;    // The ray points outwards in relation to some side plane
    if( e1 > 0 && e2 > 0 && e3 > 0 )
        return Ray::_INtriangle;    // The ray points inwards in relation to all 3 side planes
    // The ray goes through a side plane
    return Ray::_Onedge_OnVertex;
内联浮点交叉点(vec3 t1、vec3 t2、vec3 p)
int testRayTriangle(向量3 a、向量3 b、向量3 c、向量3 p)
如果(e1<0 | | e2<0 | | e3<0)
返回光线::\u NOintersection;//光线相对于某个侧面指向外部