C++中while循环的难点 我的C++任务有困难。 第一个问题在循环的末尾,答案是!=很遗憾,yes&&customers

C++中while循环的难点 我的C++任务有困难。 第一个问题在循环的末尾,答案是!=很遗憾,yes&&customers,c++,C++,将if-else条件置于while循环之外,并删除coutStackoverflow不是一个分配解决服务。我们可以研究您的第一个问题,但要求如何简化代码而不显示您所做的尝试超出了我们的范围。首先,您应该正确格式化代码,并调整程序以直截了当。您确定可以使用!=要比较两个字符串的内容?除了@roelofs所说的,也许CodeReview会是一个更好的地方来征求关于如何简化这一点的建议。其他的就足够了。@cantordust修复了 #include <iostream> // Access

#include <iostream> // Access output and input stream
#include <string>  // Access string variable

using namespace std;

int main() {
    int characters, food, movie, customers=0; //Declare variables
    char gender; //Declare variables
    string name, answer; //Declare variables

    cout <<"Is there a customer? <enter yes if there is and anything else to end program>"<<endl;

    while (answer == "yes")
        cout <<"\nWhat is your name dear? ";
        cin  >> name;
        cout <<"Well "<<name<<", welcome to my salon!\n";
        cout <<"I will ask you a few questions and your answers will determine which haircut I will give you.\nPlease enter your choice by using the character between < > next to your choice.\n\n";
        cout <<"Are you <m>ale or <f>emale? ";
        cin  >>gender;

    if (gender == 'm')
            cout <<"Are you a Super Hero<0> or a Super Villain<1>? ";
            cin  >>characters;
            if (characters == 1)
            {cout <<name <<", You should get a mohawk.\n";}
            else if (characters == 0)
            cout <<"OK "<<name<<", do you prefer steak<0> or sushi<1>? ";
            cin  >>food;
            if (food == 0)
            cout <<name<<", You should get a flat top.\n";
            else if (food == 1)
            cout <<name<<", You should get a pompadour.\n";
        cout <<"Hope you like it!!\n------------\n";

    else if (gender == 'f')
            cout <<"Are you a Super Hero<0> or a Super Villain<1>? ";
            cin  >>characters;
            if (characters == 1)
            {cout <<name <<", You should get a mohawk.\n";}
            else if (characters == 0)
            cout <<"OK "<<name<<", do you prefer anime<0> or sitcom<1>? ";
            cin  >>movie;
            if (movie == 0)
            cout <<name<<", You should go with bangs.\n";
            else if (movie == 1)
            cout <<name<<", You should go with feathered.\n";
            cout <<"Hope you like it!!\n------------\n";
        cout <<"Any other customers? <enter yes if there are and anything else if I am done for the day> "<<endl;
        cin  >>answer;
        if (answer != "yes" && customers >= 5)
        cout<<"\nWell that was a good day! I had " <<customers<<" customer<s> today. Tomorrow is another day ..."<< endl;
        else if (answer != "yes" && customers < 5)
        cout<<"\nWell that was a poor day! I had " <<customers<<" customer<s> today. Tomorrow is another day ..."<< endl;
      cout<<"\nWell that was a poor day! I had " <<customers<<" customer<s> today. Tomorrow is another day ..."<< endl;
    return 0;
while (answer == "yes")
if (customers >= 5)
   cout<<"\nWell that was a good day! I had " 
       <<" customer<s> today. Tomorrow is another day ..."
       << endl;
   cout<<"\nWell that was a poor day! I had " 
       <<" customer<s> today. Tomorrow is another day ..."
       << endl;