使用get_line读取文件时,提取带括号的字符串中的数字 一个问题让我困惑了C++初学者一段时间。

使用get_line读取文件时,提取带括号的字符串中的数字 一个问题让我困惑了C++初学者一段时间。,c++,C++,我将大量数字数据以以下方式存储在文件中: (123 34412 24) (13 34324 2214) (143 21342 24123) (1323 341422 23244) (14123 32342 2413) .... 我想阅读这些数据,希望提取第一列来做一些科学计算,第二列和第三列也希望同时提取 我不知道它是什么数据结构,并且检查了一些参考文献,发现没有答案,似乎不是列表、向量等 我希望使用如下代码来完成这项工作 #include <fstream> #include &


(123 34412 24)
(13 34324 2214)
(143 21342 24123)
(1323 341422 23244)
(14123 32342 2413)



#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ifstream file("input.dat");
    string lineBuf;
    int *col1[], *col2[], *col3[];

    if (file.is_open())
        while(getline(file, lineBuf)
                //  how to convert lineBuf to separated numbers
                //  and assign to col1 col2 col3 separately here?
    return 0;

char eater; // this is to consume the ( and ) on each line
int number1, number2, number3;

std::ifstream fin("some_file_name.txt");

while (fin >> eater >> number1 >> number2 >> number3 >> eater) // will stop when it can't read anymore
    // do something with the numbers
} // loop back and read the next line



std::list<float> readNumberListFromLine(const std::string &line) {
    std::stringstream stream(line);
    std::list<float> nums;
    char chr = 0;
    // Wait for a "(" token.
    while(1 == 1) {
        stream >> chr;
        // If failed to read a character, it means eof
        if (stream.fail()) break;
        if (chr == '(') break;

    // Clear the stream state, to clear the "fail" bit, to allow reading more while we
    // check on this state
    while(1 == 1) {
        float num;
        stream >> num;
        // If failed to read a number, stream of numbers have stopped, don't read numbers more.
        if (stream.fail()) { break; }
    // This part shouldn't be like that, DRY principle says "Don't repeat yourself"
    // This should be in a function because it is a repeat of the first loop
    // But this would have templates and things that aren't simple
    while(1 == 1) {
        stream >> chr;
        if (stream.fail()) return std::list<float>();
        if (chr == ')') break;
    return nums;

void printList(const std::list<float> &list) {
    // We don't want pop to affect the original
    std::list<float> copy = list;
    while (!copy.empty()) {
        // We pushed on the front,  so when we pop, pop from back, push/pop is a LIFO mechanism
        // Last-in-first-out,  we don't want this behaviour.
        std::cout << copy.back() << " ";

void printListOfListsOfFloats(const std::list<std::list<float>> &data) {
    std::list<std::list<float>> copy = data;

    while(!copy.empty()) {
        std::cout << "\n";

int main() {
    std::ifstream stream("/Users/fadi/code.dat");
    std::list<std::list<float>> data;
    std::string line;
    while (1 == 1) {
        std::getline(stream, line);
        if (stream.fail()) break;
        std::list<float> tmp = readNumberListFromLine(line);
        if (!tmp.empty()) { data.push_front(tmp); }


char eater; // this is to consume the ( and ) on each line
int number1, number2, number3;

std::ifstream fin("some_file_name.txt");

while (fin >> eater >> number1 >> number2 >> number3 >> eater) // will stop when it can't read anymore
    // do something with the numbers
} // loop back and read the next line
std::list<float> readNumberListFromLine(const std::string &line) {
    std::stringstream stream(line);
    std::list<float> nums;
    char chr = 0;
    // Wait for a "(" token.
    while(1 == 1) {
        stream >> chr;
        // If failed to read a character, it means eof
        if (stream.fail()) break;
        if (chr == '(') break;

    // Clear the stream state, to clear the "fail" bit, to allow reading more while we
    // check on this state
    while(1 == 1) {
        float num;
        stream >> num;
        // If failed to read a number, stream of numbers have stopped, don't read numbers more.
        if (stream.fail()) { break; }
    // This part shouldn't be like that, DRY principle says "Don't repeat yourself"
    // This should be in a function because it is a repeat of the first loop
    // But this would have templates and things that aren't simple
    while(1 == 1) {
        stream >> chr;
        if (stream.fail()) return std::list<float>();
        if (chr == ')') break;
    return nums;

void printList(const std::list<float> &list) {
    // We don't want pop to affect the original
    std::list<float> copy = list;
    while (!copy.empty()) {
        // We pushed on the front,  so when we pop, pop from back, push/pop is a LIFO mechanism
        // Last-in-first-out,  we don't want this behaviour.
        std::cout << copy.back() << " ";

void printListOfListsOfFloats(const std::list<std::list<float>> &data) {
    std::list<std::list<float>> copy = data;

    while(!copy.empty()) {
        std::cout << "\n";

int main() {
    std::ifstream stream("/Users/fadi/code.dat");
    std::list<std::list<float>> data;
    std::string line;
    while (1 == 1) {
        std::getline(stream, line);
        if (stream.fail()) break;
        std::list<float> tmp = readNumberListFromLine(line);
        if (!tmp.empty()) { data.push_front(tmp); }
