C# 在图像上单击并拖动框-WPF

C# 在图像上单击并拖动框-WPF,c#,wpf,image,xaml,C#,Wpf,Image,Xaml,我无法使选择框不居中。在下图中,我试图通过单击并拖动在单词Final Bill accented ms paint box周围绘制一个框,但结果selectionBox的红色虚线始终从中间开始输出。在mouseUp事件中计算并保存的矩形值都是正确的,这表明可能存在XAML显示问题 我对WPF/XAML和前端的东西非常了解 编辑:只需将selectionBox放在一个标签中,我就能让它几乎正常工作。它不再居中,但起点距离左边框和上边框的距离是单击鼠标时的两倍 XAML 我不确定我是否完全理解您在这

我无法使选择框不居中。在下图中,我试图通过单击并拖动在单词Final Bill accented ms paint box周围绘制一个框,但结果selectionBox的红色虚线始终从中间开始输出。在mouseUp事件中计算并保存的矩形值都是正确的,这表明可能存在XAML显示问题






    <VisualBrush TileMode="None" >
        <Image Source="{Binding ImageSource}"/>
      <ColumnDefinition Width="80"/> //Distance from the left edge of the image to the right edge of the border around the "Final Bill" text.
      <RowDefinition Height="150"/> //Distance from the top of the image to the top of the desired location of the border around the "Final Bill" text.
      <RowDefinition Height="50"/> //Desired height of the border around the "Final Bill" text.
    <Border Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" BorderThickness="1"/>

public MainWindow()

    img_Box.MouseLeftButtonDown += img_Box_MouseLeftButtonDown;
    img_Box.MouseLeftButtonUp += img_Box_MouseLeftButtonUp;
    img_Box.MouseMove += img_Box_MouseMove;

    Point mouseDownPos;

private void img_Box_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    var tt = (TranslateTransform)((TransformGroup)img_Box.RenderTransform).Children.First(tr => tr is TranslateTransform);

    double BoxX = (e.GetPosition(img_Box).X / img_Box.ActualWidth) * 1;
    double BoxY = (e.GetPosition(img_Box).Y / img_Box.ActualHeight) * 1;
    double xValue = Math.Round((BoxX * img_Box.Source.Width), 0);
    double yValue = Math.Round((BoxY * img_Box.Source.Height), 0);

    StartDrag = new System.Windows.Point(xValue, yValue);
    mouseDownPos.X = (int)xValue;
    mouseDownPos.Y = (int)yValue;

    Canvas.SetLeft(selectionBox, xValue);
    Canvas.SetTop(selectionBox, yValue);
    selectionBox.Width = 0;
    selectionBox.Height = 0;
    selectionBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

private void img_Box_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    double x = e.GetPosition(img_Box).X;
    double y = e.GetPosition(img_Box).Y;
    double BoxX = (x / img_Box.ActualWidth) * 1;
    double BoxY = (y / img_Box.ActualHeight) * 1;
    double xValue = Math.Round((BoxX * img_Box.Source.Width), 0);
    double yValue = Math.Round((BoxY * img_Box.Source.Height), 0);

    if (mouseDownPos.X < xValue)
        Canvas.SetLeft(selectionBox, mouseDownPos.X);
        selectionBox.Width = xValue - mouseDownPos.X;
        Canvas.SetLeft(selectionBox, xValue);
        selectionBox.Width = mouseDownPos.X - xValue;
    if (mouseDownPos.Y < yValue)
        Canvas.SetTop(selectionBox, mouseDownPos.Y);
        selectionBox.Height = yValue - mouseDownPos.Y;
        Canvas.SetTop(selectionBox, yValue);
        selectionBox.Height = mouseDownPos.Y - yValue;
    <VisualBrush TileMode="None" >
        <Image Source="{Binding ImageSource}"/>
      <ColumnDefinition Width="80"/> //Distance from the left edge of the image to the right edge of the border around the "Final Bill" text.
      <RowDefinition Height="150"/> //Distance from the top of the image to the top of the desired location of the border around the "Final Bill" text.
      <RowDefinition Height="50"/> //Desired height of the border around the "Final Bill" text.
    <Border Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" BorderThickness="1"/>