C# 如何创建新对象并更改其他引用

C# 如何创建新对象并更改其他引用,c#,C#,如何在不丢失X对Y的引用的情况下执行此操作 public class Test { public void Main() { AbstractClass X = new Foo(); Test2 test2 = new Test2(X); X = new Bar(); // I need to change Y as


        public class Test
            public void Main()
                AbstractClass X = new Foo();

                Test2 test2 = new Test2(X);

                X = new Bar(); // I need to change Y as well.

                //Now, X is Bar, and Y is Foo. 
                if (X == test2.Y)
                    MessageBox.Show("They are equal! Success!!");
                    MessageBox.Show("Not equal :( ");

        public class Test2
            public AbstractClass Y { get; set; }

            public Test2(AbstractClass y)
                Y = y;

        public abstract class AbstractClass
        { }

        public class Foo : AbstractClass
        { }

        public class Bar : AbstractClass
        { }


public void Main()
    AbstractClass X = new Foo();

    Test2 test2 = new Test2(X);

    X = new Bar(); 

    // change test2.Y
    test2.Y = X;

    if (X == test2.Y)
        MessageBox.Show("They are equal! Success!!");
        MessageBox.Show("Not equal :( ");



public class MyPropertyStore
    public AbstractClass MyProperty {get;set;}

public class Test2
    private MyPropertyStore propertyStore;
    public AbstractClass Y { get { return propertyStore.MyProperty ;} }

    public Test2(MyPropertyStore propertyStore)
        this.propertyStore= propertyStore;

public void Main()
    AbstractClass X = new Foo();
    MyPropertyStore store = new MyPropertyStore 
     MyProperty  = X,
    Test2 test2 = new Test2(store);

    store.MyProperty = new Bar(); // Now test2.Y will be pointing to same reference

    //Now, X is Bar, and Y is Foo. 
    if (X == test2.Y)
        MessageBox.Show("They are equal! Success!!");
        MessageBox.Show("Not equal :( ");

请明确说明你想做什么:根本不清楚。基本上,你不能t@Selman22是的,但他想知道如何做到这一点,以另一种方式,在不丢失X和Y的引用的情况下。@Guilleira,答案是:你不能。对于这样一个模糊的问题,很难找到合适的解决办法。@GolezTrol vague?我可以看到这里回答了两个解决方法…谢谢你的回答。