C# 找不到命名空间名称soapcontext

C# 找不到命名空间名称soapcontext,c#,web-services,soap,visual-c#-express-2010,C#,Web Services,Soap,Visual C# Express 2010,我正在构建一个表单应用程序,该应用程序调用第三方web服务,但不断得到一个“名称空间名称soapcontext找不到”错误 我已经添加了一个指向web服务wsdl的web引用。以下是我所拥有的: private void btnGetInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { QTWebSvcsService svc = new qtref.QTWebSvcsService(); // The getVehicleInformation



private void btnGetInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     QTWebSvcsService svc = new qtref.QTWebSvcsService();
     // The getVehicleInformation method accepts an AssetIdentifier and returns a
     // VehicleInfo object.  Instantiate them both.
     qtref.AssetIdentifier ai = new qtref.AssetIdentifier();
     qtref.VehicleInfo vi = new qtref.VehicleInfo();

     // Replace these strings with valid company name, user name and password
     string sUsername = "[usernasme]";
     string sCompanyname = "[company]";
     string sIdentity = sUsername + "@" + sCompanyname;
     string sPassword = "[password]";

     //This is where it fails
     SoapContext requestContext = RequestSoapContext.Current;

Error   1   The type or namespace name 'SoapContext' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)   C:\Users\Sophia Carter\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\DemoGetVehInf\DemoGetVehInf\Form1.cs   45  13  DemoGetVehInf

根据错误,您似乎需要一个using语句来包含包含SoapContext的命名空间。 我不知道这将是什么名称空间,但在代码顶部,您将放置以下内容:

using SoapContextNamespace;