C# 需要指导,了解head first C接口

C# 需要指导,了解head first C接口,c#,C#,我想要一些理解界面基础知识的帮助。有人能告诉我我下面的评论是否准确,并进一步解释吗 static void Main(string[] args) { //Creating a new ScaryScary object. The value of FunnyFunny's funnyThingIHave is now "big //shoes". The value of ScaryScary's numberOfScaryTh


static void Main(string[] args)
            //Creating a new ScaryScary object. The value of FunnyFunny's funnyThingIHave is now "big 
            //shoes". The value of ScaryScary's numberOfScaryThings is 14.
            ScaryScary fingersTheClown = new ScaryScary("big shoes", 14);

            //Creating a new reference called someFunnyClown and pointing it to the ScaryScary 
            //object? We still have the fingersTheClown object's values in place. How can we still 
            //use ScaryScary object's values if we are upcasting to FunnyFunny?
            FunnyFunny someFunnyClown = fingersTheClown;

            //Downcasting back to ScaryScary object (same as creating a new ScaryScary object)? 
            //We can use IScaryClown interface reference because ScaryScary implements IScaryClown. 
            //Why we first made a ScaryScary object, then cast it to FunnyFunny object, and then cast 
            //back to ScaryScary object?
            IScaryClown someOtherScaryClown = someFunnyClown as ScaryScary;

            //Is this the FunnyFunny's Honk() method? Does someOtherScaryClown now have both 
            //ScaryScary properties and methods and FunnyFunny's properties and methods?

            //Now calling the someOtherScaryClown(which is both ScaryScary and FunnyFunny object at 
            //the same time?) ScaryThingIHave method.

            //Calling the someOtherScaryClown ScareLittleChildren() method.
            //My question is why we need the second and third steps. Couldn't we get the same thing 
            //done with just the ScaryScary fingersTheClown = new ScaryScary("big shoes", 14) line?

class FunnyFunny : IClown
        public FunnyFunny(string funnyThingIHave)
            this.funnyThingIHave = funnyThingIHave;
        protected string funnyThingIHave;
        public string FunnyThingIHave
            get { return "Hi kids! I have " + funnyThingIHave; }
        public void Honk()

class ScaryScary : FunnyFunny, IScaryClown
        public ScaryScary(string funnyThingIHave,
                          int numberOfScaryThings)
            : base(funnyThingIHave)
            this.numberOfScaryThings = numberOfScaryThings;
        private int numberOfScaryThings;
        public string ScaryThingIHave
            get { return "I have " + numberOfScaryThings + " spiders"; }
        public void ScareLittleChildren()
            Console.WriteLine("You can’t have my "
                             + base.funnyThingIHave);

interface IClown
        string FunnyThingIHave { get; }
        void Honk();

interface IScaryClown : IClown
        string ScaryThingIHave { get; }
        void ScareLittleChildren();



什么 接口基本上是所有实现接口的类都应该遵循的契约。它们看起来像一个类,但没有实现


现在为什么? 提高代码的可重用性 假设你想画圆,三角形。 您可以将它们组合在一起,并将它们称为形状,还可以使用方法绘制圆和三角形 但有具体的实现将是一个坏主意,因为明天你可能会决定有两个以上的形状矩形和正方形。现在,当您添加它们时,很有可能会破坏代码的其他部分




interface IShapes
   void DrawShape();

class Circle : IShapes
    public void DrawShape()
        Console.WriteLine("Implementation to Draw a Circle");

Class Triangle: IShapes
     public void DrawShape()
        Console.WriteLine("Implementation to draw a Triangle");


static void Main()
     List <IShapes> shapes = new List<IShapes>();
        shapes.Add(new Circle());
        shapes.Add(new Triangle());

        foreach(var shape in shapes)