C# 用c在asp.net中发送邮件脚本#

C# 用c在asp.net中发送邮件脚本#,c#,asp.net,C#,Asp.net,请给我推荐一个asp.net中带有C的发送邮件脚本的代码。我想建立查询表单,在那里我想发送我的电子邮件Id上的所有信息,包括附件、主题和正文。这表明我正在这样做。它应该涵盖你需要的一切 这也显示了如何添加附件,如果您需要的话。试试看 try { // Assign a sender, recipient and subject to new mail message MailAddress sender = new MailAddress("sender@john




    // Assign a sender, recipient and subject to new mail message
    MailAddress sender =
        new MailAddress("sender@johnnycoder.com", "Sender");

    MailAddress recipient =
        new MailAddress("recipient@johnnycoder.com", "Recipient");

    MailMessage m = new MailMessage(sender, recipient);
    m.Subject = "Test Message";

    // Define the plain text alternate view and add to message
    string plainTextBody =
        "You must use an email client that supports HTML messages";

    AlternateView plainTextView =
            plainTextBody, null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain);


    // Define the html alternate view with embedded image and
    // add to message. To reference images attached as linked
    // resources from your HTML message body, use "cid:contentID"
    // in the <img> tag...
    string htmlBody =
        "<html><body><h1>Picture</h1><br>" +
        "<img src=\"cid:SampleImage\"></body></html>";

    AlternateView htmlView =
            htmlBody, null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html);

    // ...and then define the actual LinkedResource matching the
    // ContentID property as found in the image tag. In this case,
    // the HTML message includes the tag
    // <img src=\"cid:SampleImage\"> and the following
    // LinkedResource.ContentId is set to "SampleImage"
    LinkedResource sampleImage =
        new LinkedResource("sample.jpg",
    sampleImage.ContentId = "SampleImage";



    // Finally, configure smtp or alternatively use the
    // system.net mailSettings
    SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient
              Host = "smtp.bigcompany.com",
              UseDefaultCredentials = false,
              Credentials =
                  new NetworkCredential("username", "password")

    //    <mailSettings>
    //        <smtp deliveryMethod="Network">
    //            <network host="smtp.bigcompany.com"
    //              port="25" defaultCredentials="true"/>
    //        </smtp>
    //    </mailSettings>

catch (ArgumentException)
    throw new
        ArgumentException("Undefined sender and/or recipient.");
catch (FormatException)
    throw new
        FormatException("Invalid sender and/or recipient.");
catch (InvalidOperationException)
    throw new
        InvalidOperationException("Undefined SMTP server.");
catch (SmtpFailedRecipientException)
    throw new SmtpFailedRecipientException(
        "The mail server says that there is no mailbox for recipient");
catch (SmtpException ex)
    // Invalid hostnames result in a WebException InnerException that
    // provides a more descriptive error, so get the base exception
    Exception inner = ex.GetBaseException();
    throw new SmtpException("Could not send message: " + inner.Message);
{ //为新邮件指定发件人、收件人和主题 邮寄地址发送者= 新邮件地址(“sender@johnnycoder.com“,”发送方“); 邮寄地址收件人= 新邮件地址(“recipient@johnnycoder.com“,”收件人“); MailMessage m=新邮件消息(发件人、收件人); m、 主题=“测试消息”; //定义纯文本替代视图并添加到消息 字符串明文体= “您必须使用支持HTML消息的电子邮件客户端”; AlternateView纯文本视图= AlternateView.CreateAlternateView-FromString( plainTextBody,null,MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain); m、 AlternateViews.Add(纯文本视图); //使用嵌入的图像和 //添加到邮件。引用作为链接附加的图像 //在HTML消息正文中的资源中,使用“cid:contentID” //在"中,; 备选视图htmlView= AlternateView.CreateAlternateView-FromString( htmlBody,null,MediaTypeNames.Text.Html); //…然后定义与 //在图像标记中找到的ContentID属性。在本例中, //HTML消息包含标记 //以及以下 //LinkedResource.ContentId设置为“SampleImage” LinkedResource样本图像= 新建LinkedResource(“sample.jpg”, MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg); sampleImage.ContentId=“sampleImage”; 添加(sampleImage); m、 alternativeviews.Add(htmlView); //最后,配置smtp或使用 //system.net邮件设置 SmtpClient smtp=新SmtpClient { Host=“smtp.bigcompany.com”, UseDefaultCredentials=false, 证书= 新网络凭据(“用户名”、“密码”) }; // // // // // // // smtp.Send(m); } 捕获(异常) { 抛出新的 ArgumentException(“未定义的发件人和/或收件人”); } 捕获(格式化异常) { 抛出新的 格式异常(“无效的发件人和/或收件人”); } 捕获(无效操作异常) { 抛出新的 InvalidOperationException(“未定义的SMTP服务器”); } 捕获(SmtpFailedRecipientException) { 抛出新的SmtpFailedRecipientException( “邮件服务器说收件人没有邮箱”); } 捕获(SMTPEx异常) { //无效的主机名导致WebException InnerException //提供更具描述性的错误,因此获取基本异常 异常内部=例如GetBaseException(); 抛出新的SmtpException(“无法发送消息:+inner.message”); }
