C# LINQ-SQL GroupBy的帮助

C# LINQ-SQL GroupBy的帮助,c#,tsql,linq-to-sql,group-by,C#,Tsql,Linq To Sql,Group By,我正在尝试将此T-SQL转换为LINQ-SQL查询: -- top 3 pros for city select top 3 description, ispro, COUNT(*) as numberofvotes from tblProCon where IdPrimaryCity = @IdPrimaryCity and IsPro = 1 group by IdPrimaryCity, IsPro, description union -- top 3 cons for city s


-- top 3 pros for city
select top 3 description, ispro, COUNT(*) as numberofvotes
from tblProCon
where IdPrimaryCity = @IdPrimaryCity
and IsPro = 1
group by IdPrimaryCity, IsPro, description


-- top 3 cons for city
select top 3 description, ispro, COUNT(*) as numberofvotes
from tblProCon
where IdPrimaryCity = @IdPrimaryCity
and IsPro = 0
group by IdPrimaryCity, IsPro, description

order by ispro, numberofvotes desc

// Construct base query
var query = (from p in db.tblProCons
             where p.IdPrimaryCity == idPrimaryCity
             group p by new { p.IdPrimaryCity, p.IsPro, p.Description } into g
             select new { Description = g.Key, IsPro = g.Any(x => x.IsPro), NumberOfAgrees = g.Count() });

// Split queries based on pro/con, and apply TOP(3)
var pros = query.Where(x => x.IsPro).Take(3);
var cons = query.Where(x => !x.IsPro).Take(3);

result = pros
    .Union(cons) // Union pro/cons
    .OrderByDescending(x => x.IsPro) // Order #1 - Pro/Con
    .ThenByDescending(x => x.NumberOfAgrees) // Order #2 - Number of Agree's
    .Select(x => new ProCon // project into cut-down POCO
                Description = x.Description,
                IsPro = x.IsPro






// Construct base query
var query = (from p in db.tblProCons
             where p.IdPrimaryCity == idPrimaryCity
             group p by new { p.IdPrimaryCity, p.IsPro, p.Description } into g
             select new { ProCon = g.Key, NumberOfAgrees = g.Count() });

// Split queries based on pro/con, and apply TOP(3)
var pros = query.Where(x => x.ProCon.IsPro).Take(3);
var cons = query.Where(x => !x.ProCon.IsPro).Take(3);

result = pros
    .Union(cons) // Union pro/cons
    .OrderByDescending(x => x.ProCon.IsPro) // Order #1 - Pro/Con
    .ThenByDescending(x => x.NumberOfAgrees) // Order #2 - Number of Agree's
    .Select(x => new ProCon // project into cut-down POCO
                Description = x.ProCon.Description,
                IsPro = x.ProCon.IsPro