C# 围绕另一点旋转一点-方向错误

C# 围绕另一点旋转一点-方向错误,c#,wpf,drawing,C#,Wpf,Drawing,我现在有一段代码,可以围绕另一个点旋转一个点。问题是,当用户输入'90'时,我希望它是水平轴的旋转,当前90度指向下(垂直轴)。下面是一张示意图来说明: 这是我目前掌握的代码: public static Point RotatePoint(Point pointToRotate, Point centerPoint, int angleInDegrees) { double angleInRadians = angleInDegrees * (Math.PI / 18



    public static Point RotatePoint(Point pointToRotate, Point centerPoint, int angleInDegrees) {
        double angleInRadians = angleInDegrees * (Math.PI / 180);
        double cosTheta = Math.Cos(angleInRadians);
        double sinTheta = Math.Sin(angleInRadians);
        int x = (int)
                (cosTheta * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X) -
                sinTheta * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.X);
        int y = (int)
                (sinTheta * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X) +
                cosTheta * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.Y);




public static double angleFromPoint(Point inputPoint, Point centerPoint)
    double varX1 = Math.Abs(inputPoint.X - centerPoint.X);
    double varY1 = Math.Abs(inputPoint.Y - centerPoint.Y);

    double outAngle = 180 * Math.Atan(varY1 / varX1) / Math.PI; //Angle from 0 to 90 which has to be updated on account of the quadrant it is in and the chosen syst

    int curQuadrant = determineQuadrant(inputPoint, centerPoint);

    //Modifications to account for the default system of reference
    if (curQuadrant == 1)
        outAngle = 180 - outAngle;
    else if (curQuadrant == 3)
        outAngle = 360 - outAngle;
    else if (curQuadrant == 4)
        outAngle = 180 + outAngle;

    //Over-modification to account for the system of reference "Desired", +90 the default system of reference
    outAngle = outAngle + 90;

    if (outAngle > 360)
        outAngle = outAngle - 360;

    return outAngle;

//Moving clockwisely, the first quadrant is located between 180 and 90 degrees in the default system of reference 
public static int determineQuadrant(Point inputPoint, Point centerPoint)
    int curQuadrant = 0;

    if (inputPoint.X < centerPoint.X && inputPoint.Y >= centerPoint.Y)
        //Default system of reference -> 180 to 90
        curQuadrant = 1;
    else if (inputPoint.X >= centerPoint.X && inputPoint.Y >= centerPoint.Y)
        //Default system of reference -> 90 to 0/360
        curQuadrant = 2;
    else if (inputPoint.X >= centerPoint.X && inputPoint.Y < centerPoint.Y)
        //Default system of reference -> 0/360 to 270
        curQuadrant = 3;
    else if (inputPoint.X < centerPoint.X && inputPoint.Y < centerPoint.Y)
        //Default system of reference -> 270 to 180
        curQuadrant = 4;

    return curQuadrant;

Point rotatedPoint = RotatePoint(curPointnew, centerPoint, rotationAngle);
double angleRotatedPoint = angleFromPoint(rotatedPoint, centerPoint);