C# 使用AutoFac选择基于实体的DbContext

C# 使用AutoFac选择基于实体的DbContext,c#,entity-framework,autofac,C#,Entity Framework,Autofac,我正在尝试根据autofac的实体指定要使用的dbcontext。以下是我的代码: Global.asax foreach (var database in DatabaseManager.Databases) { builder.Register<IDbContext>(c => new CodesObjectContext(database.ConnectionString, database.Alias)) //da



foreach (var database in DatabaseManager.Databases)
                builder.Register<IDbContext>(c => new CodesObjectContext(database.ConnectionString, database.Alias)) //database.Alias is database name
已更新 这是我的objectcontext类

public class CodesObjectContext : DbContext, IDbContext
        public virtual string DatabaseName { get; private set; }
        public CodesObjectContext(string nameOrConnectionString, string databaseName)
            : base(nameOrConnectionString)
            DatabaseName = databaseName;


//first in your base context, define contructor that takes string as database name.
//It should be something like this 
public MyContext(string mydbName = "DefaultDBName") : base(mydbName)

// In your getter, do something like this, get database Name from your attributes  
string dbName =
            (DatabaseName) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(T), typeof (DatabaseName));
if(dbName==null) throw new Exception ("Missing Attribute");
// .Name might change depending on your attribute
string DatabaseName = db.Name;
// then init your context 
    using (var db = new MyContext(DatabaseName))
    {//do something }


public class CodesObjectContext : DbContext, IDbContext
        public virtual string DatabaseName { get; private set; }
        public CodesObjectContext(string nameOrConnectionString, string databaseName)
            : base(nameOrConnectionString)
            DatabaseName = databaseName;
//first in your base context, define contructor that takes string as database name.
//It should be something like this 
public MyContext(string mydbName = "DefaultDBName") : base(mydbName)

// In your getter, do something like this, get database Name from your attributes  
string dbName =
            (DatabaseName) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(T), typeof (DatabaseName));
if(dbName==null) throw new Exception ("Missing Attribute");
// .Name might change depending on your attribute
string DatabaseName = db.Name;
// then init your context 
    using (var db = new MyContext(DatabaseName))
    {//do something }