C# 为什么这个线程示例根本不可预测(每次输出不同的结果)?

C# 为什么这个线程示例根本不可预测(每次输出不同的结果)?,c#,multithreading,thread-sleep,C#,Multithreading,Thread Sleep,我正在努力学习线程。因此,我在一本官方书籍中发现了这篇文章: public static class Program { public static void ThreadMethod() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Thread Step: {0}", i); // A - see comment!! Thread.S


public static class Program
    public static void ThreadMethod()
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Thread Step: {0}", i); // A - see comment!!
            Thread.Sleep(0); // B 
    public static void Main()
        Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMethod));
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("This is supposedly the main thread.");

但是,每次运行控制台应用程序时,实际结果都不一样,为什么? 其次,我希望首先在屏幕上看到“Thread Step:0”,因为A)第一个线程将其输出到控制台,并且仅在该线程之后B)Thread.Sleep(0)运行,这意味着当前线程将进入睡眠状态,以便另一个同等优先级的线程接管(如果可用)

This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread Step: 0
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread Step: 1
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread Step: 2
Thread Step: 3
Thread Step: 4
Thread Step: 5
Thread Step: 6
Thread Step: 7
Thread Step: 8
Thread Step: 9

This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread Step: 0
Thread Step: 1
Thread Step: 2
Thread Step: 3
Thread Step: 4
Thread Step: 5
Thread Step: 6
Thread Step: 7
Thread Step: 8
Thread Step: 9
This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.

This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 0
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 1
Thread step: 2
Thread step: 3
Thread step: 4
Thread step: 5
Thread step: 6
Thread step: 7
Thread step: 8
Thread step: 9
This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 0
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 1
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 2
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 3
Thread step: 4
Thread step: 5
Thread step: 6
Thread step: 7
Thread step: 8
Thread step: 9

This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 0
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 1
Thread step: 2
Thread step: 3
Thread step: 4
Thread step: 5
Thread step: 6
Thread step: 7
Thread step: 8
Thread step: 9
This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 0
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 1
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 2
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 3
Thread step: 4
Thread step: 5
Thread step: 6
Thread step: 7
Thread step: 8
Thread step: 9

Thread step: 0
Thread step: 1
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 2
This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.
This is supposedly the main thread.
Thread step: 3
Thread step: 4
Thread step: 5
Thread step: 6
Thread step: 7
Thread step: 8
Thread step: 9








