C# 来自sql表的树视图

C# 来自sql表的树视图,c#,.net,asp.net,sql,treeview,C#,.net,Asp.net,Sql,Treeview,我有如下的sql表。我必须在树视图中显示它 id parentid name 1 NULL outlook 2 1 overcast 3 1 rainy 4 1 sunny 5 2 yes 6 3 wind 7 4 humidity 8 6 strong 9 6 weak 10 7 h


id   parentid     name
1     NULL       outlook
2     1      overcast
3     1       rainy
4     1       sunny
5     2        yes
6     3        wind
7     4      humidity
8     6       strong
9     6        weak
10    7        high
11    8         no
12    9         yes
13   10          no
14   15         yes
15   7        normal


 - overcast

         - yes

- rainy
     - wind
        - strong
              - no
        - weak
              - yes
   - humidity




WITH    q AS 
        SELECT  *
        FROM    mytable
        WHERE   ParentID IS NULL -- this condition defines the ultimate ancestors in your chain, change it as appropriate
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  m.*
        FROM    mytable m
        JOIN    q
        ON      m.parentID = q.ID
FROM    q
<asp:Treeview ID="TreeView1" runat="server" />


树状视图的目的是仅当用户展开父节点时才显示子节点。换句话说,当父级展开时,您应该只加载直接子级。尝试在启动时加载所有树是一个糟糕的设计想法。这张桌子很小,所以这里没有什么大问题,但想象一下它是巨大的。为什么你要强迫你的用户等待一棵完整的树加载?@Jose Rui Santos先生,我是asp.net的初学者。我们可以在选择节点后进行节点扩展…,但我不知道怎么做…@Dhany;请将此行更改为ds.Relations.Add(“Children”、dtbl1.Columns[“Id”]、dtbl1.Columns[“ParentId”]);我刚才的回答可能会有所帮助:@CRice:在这段代码中,我将如何传递表数据。
private void PopulateTreeView()
    DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //(populate the dataset with the table)

    //Use LINQ to filter out items without a parent
    DataTable parents = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
        .Where(i => i.Field<object>("parentid") == DBNull.Value)

    //Use LINQ to filter out items with parent
    DataTable children = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
        .Where(i => i.Field<object>("parentid") != DBNull.Value)
        .OrderBy(i => i.Field<int>("parentid"))

    //Add the parents to the treeview
    foreach(DataRow dr in parents)
        TreeNode node = new TreeNode();
        node.Text = dr["name"].ToString();
        node.Value = dr["id"].ToString();

    //Add the children to the parents
    foreach(DataRow dr in children)
        TreeNode node = new TreeNode();
        node.Text = dr["name"].ToString();
        node.Value = dr["id"].ToString();
        TreeNode parentNode = FindNodeByValue(dr["parentid"].ToString());
        if(parentNode != null)

private TreeNode FindNodeByValue(string value)
    foreach(TreeNode node in TreeView1.Nodes)
        if(node.Value = value) return node;
        TreeNode pnode = FindNodeRecursion(node, value);
        if(pnode != null) return pnode;
    return null;

private TreeNode FindNodeRecursion(TreeNode parentNode, string value)
    foreach(TreeNode node in parentNode.ChildNodes)
        if(node.Value = value) return node;
        TreeNode pnode = FindNodeRecursion(node, value);
        if(pnode != null) return pnode;
    return null;