C# 方法,该方法仅具有仅对设置参数有效的可选参数

C# 方法,该方法仅具有仅对设置参数有效的可选参数,c#,C#,我想写一个有可选参数的方法。它应该只使用指定给它的参数更新某些对象,而保留其他属性不变 有问题的部分是: Null是所有对象属性的有效值 无法读取对象属性的值以与进行比较 方法的签名应该是什么,方法的逻辑应该是什么 假设对象看起来像这样: public class Foo { public int Id { get; set; } public bool? MyBool { get; set; } public int? MyInt { get; set; }



  • Null是所有对象属性的有效值
  • 无法读取对象属性的值以与进行比较


public class Foo
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public bool? MyBool { get; set; }
    public int? MyInt { get; set; }
    public string MyString { get; set; }
public void UpdateObject(int id, bool? optBool = null, int? optInt = null,
                          string optString = null)
    var objectToUpdate = _fooList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id = id);

    if(objectToUpdate != null)
        // Update only set properties?
// at some part of app
UpdateObject(1, optInt: 5);
// will set the int property to 5 and leaves other properties unchanged

// at other part of app
UpdateObject(1, optString: "lorem ipsum");
// will set the string property and leaves other properties unchanged

// at other part of app
UpdateObject(1, optBool: null, optString: "lorem ipsum");
// will set the string and bool property and leaves other properties unchanged

public class Foo
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public bool? MyBool { get; set; }
    public int? MyInt { get; set; }
    public string MyString { get; set; }
public void UpdateObject(int id, bool? optBool = null, int? optInt = null,
                          string optString = null)
    var objectToUpdate = _fooList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id = id);

    if(objectToUpdate != null)
        // Update only set properties?
// at some part of app
UpdateObject(1, optInt: 5);
// will set the int property to 5 and leaves other properties unchanged

// at other part of app
UpdateObject(1, optString: "lorem ipsum");
// will set the string property and leaves other properties unchanged

// at other part of app
UpdateObject(1, optBool: null, optString: "lorem ipsum");
// will set the string and bool property and leaves other properties unchanged

public class Foo
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public bool? MyBool { get; set; }
    public int? MyInt { get; set; }
    public string MyString { get; set; }
public void UpdateObject(int id, bool? optBool = null, int? optInt = null,
                          string optString = null)
    var objectToUpdate = _fooList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id = id);

    if(objectToUpdate != null)
        // Update only set properties?
// at some part of app
UpdateObject(1, optInt: 5);
// will set the int property to 5 and leaves other properties unchanged

// at other part of app
UpdateObject(1, optString: "lorem ipsum");
// will set the string property and leaves other properties unchanged

// at other part of app
UpdateObject(1, optBool: null, optString: "lorem ipsum");
// will set the string and bool property and leaves other properties unchanged


public void UpdateObject(int id, bool? optBool = null, int? optInt = null,
                          string optString = null)
    var objectToUpdate = _fooList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id = id);

    if(objectToUpdate != null)
        // This is wrong
        objectToUpdate.MyBool = optBool;
        objectToUpdate.MyInt = optInt;
        objectToUpdate.MyString = optString;


public void UpdateObject(Func<int> idProvider, Func<bool?> optBoolProvider = null, Func<int?> optIntProvider = null,
                          Func<string> optStringProvider = null)
    if(idProvider != null) Id = idProvider(); // etc.

public void UpdateObject(Func-idProvider,Func-optBoolProvider=x=>x,Func-optiontprovider=x=>x,
Func optStringProvider=x=>x)





public Foo changeString(Foo f, string s) 
    f.myString = s;
    return f;
public Foo changeInt(Foo f, int i)
    f.myInt = i;
    return f;

//external piece of code
Foo f = new Foo ();
f = changeInt(f, 5).changeString(f, "abc");

