C# WP7如何简化此代码或任何更好的方法?

C# WP7如何简化此代码或任何更好的方法?,c#,windows-phone-7,C#,Windows Phone 7,有没有办法简化这段代码?或者以任何方式创建另一个类页面,以保持主页尽可能干净。我计划有数百个文本文件,因为我是一个新手,所以我不知道最好的方法。我正在尝试用Xbox 360成就指南制作一款应用程序,但每款游戏平均获得40项成就。(这是文本文件的分配) 我很想把这些文本文件放在互联网的某个地方,因为用户可以根据需要检索它们。你把事情复杂化了。如果您真的想将所有数据与应用程序捆绑在一起,您可以使用或,然后在内部对其进行反序列化 这也增加了代码的灵活性,因为从长远来看,当您决定添加更改时,直接使用硬编

有没有办法简化这段代码?或者以任何方式创建另一个类页面,以保持主页尽可能干净。我计划有数百个文本文件,因为我是一个新手,所以我不知道最好的方法。我正在尝试用Xbox 360成就指南制作一款应用程序,但每款游戏平均获得40项成就。(这是文本文件的分配)





var actions = new[]
 new {
  index = 0, 
  uri = "Resources/Games/MaxPayne3/StoryRelated.txt", 
  guide = "Story Complete [MEDIUM]\n\n", 
  title = "Feel The Payne", 
  appBar = false, 
  youtube = ""

 new {
  index = 7, 
  uri = "Resources/Games/MaxPayne3/TextFile2.txt", 
  guide = "", 
  title = "A New York Minute", 
  appBar = false, 
  youtube = ""

 new {
  index = 9, 
  uri = "Resources/Games/MaxPayne3/TextFile4.txt", 
  guide = "", 
  title = "Out The Window", 
  appBar = true, 
  youtube = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRg6ygA-M_Y"

var actionQuery = actions.Where(a => a.index == selectedIndex).ToArray();

if (actionQuery.Length == 0) throw new Exception("Index not found: " + selectedIndex);
if (actionQuery.Length > 1) throw new Exception("Duplicate entries found: " + selectedIndex);

var action = actionQuery[0];

var Tutorial = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(action.uri, UriKind.Relative));

using (Stream Text = Tutorial.Stream)
 StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Text);
 Guide.Text = action.guide + sr.ReadToEnd();
 Title.Text = action.title;
 AppBarMenuDisable.IsEnabled = action.appBar;
 if (action.youtube != "") YouTubeLink.URL = action.youtube;


public class Tutorial
    public string Location { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Prefix { get; set; }

List<Tutorial> tutorials = new List<Tutorial()
    new Tutorial 
        Location = "Resources/Games/MaxPayne3/StoryRelated.txt",
        Title = "Feel the Payne",
        Prefix = "Story Complete [MEDIUM]\n"
    // add more
ListBox.ItemsSource = tutorials; // better to do binding to this property 

List<Tutorial> tutorials = new List<Tutorial()
    new Tutorial 
        Location = "Resources/Games/MaxPayne3/StoryRelated.txt",
        Title = "Feel the Payne",
        Prefix = "Story Complete [MEDIUM]\n"
    // add more
ListBox.ItemsSource = tutorials; // better to do binding to this property 
Tutorial tutorial = ListBox.SelectedItem as Tutorial;
if(tutorial == null) return;

var item = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(tutorial.Location, UriKind.Relative));

using (Stream Text = Tutorial.Stream)
    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Text);
    Guide.Text = tutorial.Prefix + sr.ReadToEnd();
    Title.Text = tutorial.Tile;
    AppBarMenuDisable.IsEnabled = false;