C# 在Windows应用商店应用程序中将数据项从一个页面添加到另一个页面?

C# 在Windows应用商店应用程序中将数据项从一个页面添加到另一个页面?,c#,wpf,xaml,windows-8,windows-store-apps,C#,Wpf,Xaml,Windows 8,Windows Store Apps,我正在使用WindowsStore GridApp模板在VS2012 c/xaml中创建windows应用商店应用程序。 我正在使用此模板的组和项目页面 在“组”页面中,我显示了一个房间列表,其中的数据源是RoomObjects public class RoomsObject : LivingDataCommon { public RoomsObject() : base(String.Empty, String.Empty) { }

我正在使用WindowsStore GridApp模板在VS2012 c/xaml中创建windows应用商店应用程序。 我正在使用此模板的组和项目页面


 public class RoomsObject : LivingDataCommon
    public RoomsObject()
        : base(String.Empty, String.Empty)


    public RoomsObject(String ID, String title)
        : base(ID, title)
    { }

    //adds Actors to collection of a Room, will be used for Rooms pages
    private ObservableCollection<ActorsObject> _actors = new ObservableCollection<ActorsObject>();
    public ObservableCollection<ActorsObject> Actors
        get { return this._actors; }





我使用这个类公共类AllActors:LivingDataCommon{public AllActors:baseString.Empty,String.Empty{}public AllActors字符串ID,字符串标题:baseID,title{}private ObservableCollection _AllActors=new ObservableCollection;public ObservableCollection AllActors{get{return this._AllActors;}}}}}}这是我的按钮代码,但它没有添加任何私有无效按钮_1对象发送方,TappedRoutedEventArgs e{AllActors m=new AllActors;m.AllActors.AddActorObjectItemGridView.SelectedItem;}如果你不告诉我什么是不起作用的,我就帮不了你。为什么不指定一个集合{};allActors的方法?无论如何,你应该接近一个解决方案。没有例外,只要我点击按钮,它什么也不做。我想我需要建立ActorsObjects的可观察集合,我可以从我的应用程序中的任何位置访问,但我如何做到?
public class ActorsObject : LivingDataCommon
       public ActorsObject()
        : base(String.Empty, String.Empty)

    public ActorsObject(String ID, String title, Boolean homepage,String function, RoomsObject room, double currentValue, ActorsType type, AllActors allactors)
        : base(ID, title)
        this._function = function;
        this._room = room;
        this._currentValue = currentValue;
        this._type = type;
        this._homepage = homepage;
        this._all = allactors;
    //set home page appearance
    private Boolean _homepage = false;
    public static Boolean Homepage = false;

    //sets value of an actor
    private double _currentValue;
    public double CurrentValue
        get { return this._currentValue; }
        set { this.SetProperty(ref this._currentValue, value); }

    //sets and gets function code
    private string _function = string.Empty;
    public string Function
        get { return this._function; }
        set { this.SetProperty(ref this._function, value); }

    //gets room properity
    private RoomsObject _room;
    public RoomsObject Room
        get { return this._room; }
        set { this.SetProperty(ref this._room, value); }

    private ActorsType _type;
    public ActorsType Type
        get { return this._type; }
        set { this.SetProperty(ref this._type, value); }

    private AllActors _all;
    public AllActors All
        get { return this._all; }
        set { this.SetProperty(ref this._all, value); }