C# rax现在的建议。我感谢您的帮助,并将再次讨论此问题 private static List<BO.Employee> ListDirectReports(int mgrId) { IQueryable<B

C# rax现在的建议。我感谢您的帮助,并将再次讨论此问题 private static List<BO.Employee> ListDirectReports(int mgrId) { IQueryable<B,c#,linq,entity-framework,C#,Linq,Entity Framework,rax现在的建议。我感谢您的帮助,并将再次讨论此问题 private static List<BO.Employee> ListDirectReports(int mgrId) { IQueryable<BO.Employee> directRpts; using(var ctx = new Entities()) { directRpts = fro


    private static List<BO.Employee> ListDirectReports(int mgrId)
        IQueryable<BO.Employee> directRpts;
        using(var ctx = new Entities())
            directRpts = 
                from emp in ctx.Employee
                join directRptHist in 
                (from employeeHistory in ctx.EmployeeHistory
                    .Where(h => h.DirectManagerEmployeeID == mgrId)
                group employeeHistory by employeeHistory.EmployeeID into grp 
                let maxDt = grp.Max(g => g.DateLastUpdated) from history in grp
                where history.DateLastUpdated == maxDt
                select history)
                on emp equals directRptHist.Employee
                select emp;
        return directRpts.ToList();

        //IQueryable<BO.Employee> employees;
        //using(var ctx = new Entities())

        //        //function evaluation times out on this qry:

        //    // First make sure we're only looking at the current employee information
        //    IQueryable<BO.EmployeeHistory> currentEntries = 
        //        from eh in ctx.EmployeeHistory
        //        group eh by eh.EmployeeID into grp 
        //        select grp.OrderBy(eh => eh.DateLastUpdated).FirstOrDefault();

        //    // Now filter by the manager's ID
        //    var dirRpts = currentEntries
        //        .Where(eh => eh.DirectManagerEmployeeID == mgrId);

        //    // This would be ideal, assuming your entity associations are set up right
        //    employees = dirRpts.Select(eh => eh.Employee).Distinct();

        //    //// If the above won't work, this is the next-best thing
        //    //var employees2 = ctx.Employee.Where(
        //    //                    emp => directRpts.Any(
        //    //                        eh => eh.EmployeeId == emp.EmployeeId));
        //return employees.ToList();
使用(var ctx=new Entities())
//使用(var ctx=new Entities())
//IQueryable currentEntries=
//var dirRpts=currentEntries
////var employees2=ctx.Employee.Where(
//return employees.ToList();
private List<BO.Employee> ListDirectReports(int mgrId)
    using(var ctx = new Entities())
        var directRptIDList = 
            from employeeHistory in ctx.EmployeeHistory
                                       .Where(h => h.DirectManagerEmployeeID == mgrId)
            group employeeHistory by employeeHistory.EmployeeID into grp 
            let maxDt = grp.Max(g => g.DateLastUpdated) from history in grp
            where history.DateLastUpdated == maxDt
            select history;

        var directRpts = 
            from emp in ctx.Employee
            join directRptHist in directRptIDList
            on emp equals directRptHist.Employee
            select emp;
    return directRpts.ToList();
private List<BO.Employee> ListDirectReports(int mgrId)
    using(var ctx = new Entities())
        // First make sure we're only looking at the current employee information
        var currentEntries = 
            from eh in ctx.EmployeeHistory
            group employeeHistory by employeeHistory.EmployeeID into grp 
            select grp.OrderBy(eh => eh.DateLastUpdated).FirstOrDefault();
        // Now filter by the manager's ID
        var directRpts = currentEntries
            .Where(eh => eh.DirectManagerEmployeeID == mgrId);

        // This would be ideal, assuming your entity associations are set up right
        var employees = directRpts.Select(eh => eh.Employee).Distinct();

        // If the above won't work, this is the next-best thing
        var employees2 = ctx.Employee.Where(
                            emp => directRpts.Any(
                                eh => eh.EmployeeId == emp.EmployeeId));

        return employees.ToList();
    private static List<BO.Employee> ListDirectReports(int mgrId)
        IQueryable<BO.Employee> directRpts;
        using(var ctx = new Entities())
            directRpts = 
                from emp in ctx.Employee
                join directRptHist in 
                (from employeeHistory in ctx.EmployeeHistory
                    .Where(h => h.DirectManagerEmployeeID == mgrId)
                group employeeHistory by employeeHistory.EmployeeID into grp 
                let maxDt = grp.Max(g => g.DateLastUpdated) from history in grp
                where history.DateLastUpdated == maxDt
                select history)
                on emp equals directRptHist.Employee
                select emp;
        return directRpts.ToList();

        //IQueryable<BO.Employee> employees;
        //using(var ctx = new Entities())

        //        //function evaluation times out on this qry:

        //    // First make sure we're only looking at the current employee information
        //    IQueryable<BO.EmployeeHistory> currentEntries = 
        //        from eh in ctx.EmployeeHistory
        //        group eh by eh.EmployeeID into grp 
        //        select grp.OrderBy(eh => eh.DateLastUpdated).FirstOrDefault();

        //    // Now filter by the manager's ID
        //    var dirRpts = currentEntries
        //        .Where(eh => eh.DirectManagerEmployeeID == mgrId);

        //    // This would be ideal, assuming your entity associations are set up right
        //    employees = dirRpts.Select(eh => eh.Employee).Distinct();

        //    //// If the above won't work, this is the next-best thing
        //    //var employees2 = ctx.Employee.Where(
        //    //                    emp => directRpts.Any(
        //    //                        eh => eh.EmployeeId == emp.EmployeeId));
        //return employees.ToList();