Css 如何对webkit matrix3d转换进行反向工程

Css 如何对webkit matrix3d转换进行反向工程,css,matrix,webkit,css-transforms,Css,Matrix,Webkit,Css Transforms,我有一个立方体元素在三维空间中旋转和平移 我想找出在给定时间这个变换的旋转部分。这可能吗 我有: var cube = document.getElementById("cube"); var transform = getComputedStyle(cube).webkitTransform; //the value of transform is: // matrix3d(-1, 0, 0.00000000000000012246467991473532, 0, //




var cube = document.getElementById("cube");
var transform = getComputedStyle(cube).webkitTransform;

//the value of transform is:
// matrix3d(-1, 0, 0.00000000000000012246467991473532, 0, 
//           0, 1, 0, 0, 
//          -0.00000000000000012246467991473532, 0, -1, 0, 
//           0, 0, 0, 1)


如果对象仅围绕Y旋转,则是的,旋转很容易计算-它是元素1,3的or 3,3或arsin(元素3,1)或Arcin(元素1,3)。在您的具体示例中,它大约是180度。如果旋转不仅仅是y轴,那么你必须开始跟踪之前的旋转,它会变得更混乱




var matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix($('#element').css('-webkit-transform'));
var translateZ = matrix.m43;
矩阵的每一部分都在这里解释: 对于具有math mess的3d矩阵,您可以检索更复杂的特性,如rotationX:

var rotationX = Math.acos(matrix.a) * (180/Math.PI);
var rotationY = Math.asin(matrix.b) * (180/Math.PI);




获取转换的y值?您可能想看看translate()。它将矩阵形式转换为值。这里的更多内容可能我不懂,但我一直在使用matrix3d,其他人的代码正在为我应用转换。我只是想看看我是否能回到我误解的方向。我想你想利用转换的价值做点什么。不要理会这个评论。我在这个链接上找到了一个函数。阅读上面的链接,得到哪个值属于Y,并使用他们使用函数的方式得到Y度。如果你还没有得到答案,我会在今天晚些时候读这篇文章。对不起,我帮不上忙。在我上班的路上。:)一个数学能力更好的人可以扩展函数的可能性。一旦我们有了矩阵,我们就可以对很多事情进行逆向工程//Todo:我很快就会处理一篇好文章:好吧,这是一个有7年历史的线程。您可以使用archive.org上的wayback机器查看其缓存版本。以下是wayback machine的2011版本:
var reverseEngineerTransform3d = function (domElement, parameterName) {

        parameterName = parameterName.toLowerCase();

        var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(domElement),
            matrixStyle = computedStyle.transform || computedStyle.WebkitTransform || computedStyle.MozTransform || computedStyle.msTransform || computedStyle.OTransform;

        if (matrixStyle) {
            matrixStyle = matrixStyle.trim();

        if (matrixStyle === 'none') {
            if (parameterName.indexOf('rotate') === 0) {
                return '0deg';
            } else if (parameterName.indexOf('translate') === 0) {
                return '0px';
            } else if (parameterName === 'scale') {
                return 1;
            } else {
                throw "Unsupported 3D parameter " + parameterName;

        else if (!matrixStyle || matrixStyle.substr(0, 9) !== 'matrix3d(') {
            //return something or die ?????
            throw "Something is wrong with 3D transform style. Probably no style applied at all OR unknown CSS3 vendor OR unknown/unsupported 3D matrix representation string OR CSS3 3D transform is not fully supported in this browser";

        var matrix = window.WebKitCSSMatrix && (new WebKitCSSMatrix(matrixStyle)) ||
                window.MozCSSMatrix && (new MozCSSMatrix(matrixStyle)) ||
                window.MsCSSMatrix && (new MsCSSMatrix(matrixStyle)) ||
                window.OCSSMatrix && (new OCSSMatrix(matrixStyle)) ||
                window.CSSMatrix && (new CSSMatrix(matrixStyle)); // sorry 4 copy-paste my friends

        if (!matrix || isNaN(matrix.a) || isNaN(matrix.b) || isNaN(matrix.c) || isNaN(matrix.m41) || isNaN(matrix.m42) || isNaN(matrix.m43) || isNaN(matrix.m11)) {
            throw "Could not catch CSSMatrix constructor for current browser, OR the constructor has returned a non-standard matrix object (need .a, .b, .c and mXX numerical properties to work)";

        // todo: giving a parameters array (and returning an array) is a good idea, or we could return everything if no parameters given

        switch (parameterName) {

            case 'rotatey':  // in degrees
                return Math.acos(matrix.m11)*180/Math.PI * (matrix.m13 > 0 ? -1 : 1) + 'deg';

            case 'rotatex':  // in degrees
                return Math.asin(matrix.m22)*180/Math.PI + 'deg';

            case 'rotatez':  // in degrees
                throw "TODO: Sorry, math people. I really need help here! Please implement this case for me. This will help you: http://9elements.com/html5demos/matrix3d/";

            case 'translatex': // in pixels
                return matrix.m41 + 'px';

            case 'translatey': // in pixels
                return matrix.m42 + 'px';

            case 'translatez': // in pixels
                return matrix.m43 + 'px';

            case 'scale': // no units
                if (matrix.m11 === matrix.m22 && matrix.m22 === matrix.m33) {
                    return matrix.m11;
                } else {
                    throw "I'm not so smart to calculate scale from this matrix";

           // todo: anything else? skew ????

                throw "This function accepts 3d-parameter name (case-insensitive string) as the second argument. Currently supported: 'rotate[xyz]', 'translate[xyz]', 'scale'. This parameter is unsupported: " + parameterName;