Cucumber 在大纲示例中是否可以使用表数据?

Cucumber 在大纲示例中是否可以使用表数据?,cucumber,gherkin,Cucumber,Gherkin,这是可能的: Scenario Outline: Add two numbers Given I have entered <num1> and <num2> into the calculator When I press add Then the result should be <result> on the screen Examples: | num1 | num2 | result | | 50 | 70 | 120 | | 10


Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
Given I have entered <num1> and <num2> into the calculator
When I press add
Then the result should be <result> on the screen
| num1 | num2 | result |
| 50   | 70   | 120    |
| 10   | 20   | 30     |


Scenario Outline: Add two numbers
Given I have entered <num1> and <num2> into the calculator
When I press add
Then the result should be <result> on the screen
| a  | b  | c   |
| 50 | 70 | 120 |
| 10 | 20 | 30  |  
| num1 | num2 | result |
| a    | b    | c      |


Scenario Outline: filing data
  Given I am on the home page
  And I <action>
  And "<field>" field loses focus
  Then I should see "<error>"
  | action                               | field | error              |
  | fill in "Email" with "" | email | Email is not valid |